Making your rest track perfectly when making a vertical adjustment from the rear leg

If you are using a speed screw or sighter cam on the rear leg then no they will not solve the problem, using all three feet does not allow for the rear leg to float front to rear on the bench. When using a speed screw/sighter cam the rear leg travels in an arc causing the rear leg to want to move slightly fore and aft on the bench when you run the screw or cam up and down. You can use two Superfeet on the front and use something on the rear leg (penny, delrin puck, etc...) to allow for the slight shortening/lengthening movement of the rear leg as you move the rear leg up and down with the speed screw/sighter cam.
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Some of you might already know, but during WBC11 (World Benchrest Championship) in France last august, the use of some kind of "Superfeet" was mandatory. No shooter was allowed to shoot without using them.

I had to buy a set before going to France, as I had never tried them before. They worked great, and I will keep using them in the future. At least one of them, under the rear leg of my JJ rest :)

Best regards,

Paal Otto
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Boyd thank you so much for the in sight on recognizing the issue, it is one I have been suffering through and this morning I turned a Delrin disk on the lathe and it is my hopes to give it a try just as soon as it stops raining out my way.
