Maine State IR 50 /50 August 11 7 12

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Maine State IR 50 /50 August 11 & 12

The Maine State IR 50/50 matches will be run on August 11 and 12, 2012. We will shoot the Yardage events on the 11th and the meter events on Sunday the 12th. We will be shooting the 3 gun matches in the morning and the Unlimited matches in the afternoon, both days. We have a very nice faciltiy with Easy Conditions ordered for this event :).

Any new contestents coming who haven't allready reported?
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We have RAIN forecast for Saturday so bring your raincoat :). We will shoot through rain of a reasonable velocity but will stop shooting if and when Lightning is present. The match will resume after the Lightning has passed. Should be fun, eh? We will have a target crew so much of the WET will potentially be endured by HER. We will have water but Lunch will be on your own. There is a good Deli close to the range. We will have a lunch break both days.
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Truck is packed.

We have RAIN forecast for Saturday so bring your raincoat :). We will shoot through rain of a reasonable velocity but will stop shooting if and when Lightning is present. The match will resume after the Lightning has passed. Should be fun, eh? We will have a target crew so much of the WET will potentially be endured by HER. We will have water but Lunch will be on your own. There is a good Delli close to the range. We will have a lunch break both days.

Will toss in my wetsuit look like severe storms both days.

Great match on Sat dispite the lousy weather.
Group picture


Pete's fowl weather setup for scoring and printing awards!


Pete's Farley one piece rest for unlimited


see you in the AM for Meters

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Results of the Maine State IR 50-50 Championship:


Sporter: 1.Gary Hamilton 248-19, 2.Ken Henderson 248-15, 3.Pete Wass 242-8
10.5 LB: 1.Gary Hamilton 250-21, 2.Paul Bendix 248-14, 3.John Hassam 247-16
13.5 LB: 1.Gary Hamilton 250-16, 2.Klayton Hayes 249-13, 3.Peter Wass 248-18
2 Gun: 1.Gary Hamilton 499-37, 2. John Hassam 294-29, 3. Pete Wass 294-28
3 Gun: 1 Gary Hamilton 747-56, 2. Ken Henderson 238-37, 3. Pete Wass 736-36


UL1: 1. Steve Page 250-16, 2. Gary Hamilton 249-16, 3. Klayton Hayes 249-13
UL2: 1.Klayton Hayes 249-13, 2. Ken Henderson 248-16, 3. Gary Hamilton 248-12
UL3: 1. Paul Bendix 249-13, 2. Ken Henderson 249-11, 3. Gary Hamilton 248-17
UL Agg: 1. Gary Hamilton 745-45, 2. Pete Wass 743-43, 3. ken Henderson 742-40

August 12, 2012 METERS:

Sporter: 1. Ken Henderson 247-15, 2. Gary Hamilton 244-11, 3. Pete Wass 244-6
10.5 LB: 1.Gary Hamilton 249-18, 2. Pete Wass 247-13, 3. Joan Hassam 246-12
13.5LB: 1. Gary Hamilton 250-13, 2. Pete Wass 249-15, 3. Ken Henderson 248-17
2 Gun: 1. Gary Hamilton 499-31, 2. Pete Wass 496-28, 3 Randy Lyons 492-23
3 Gun: 1. Gary Hamilton 743-42, 2. Pete Wass 740-34, 3. Ken Henderson 733-40


UL1: 1. Steve page 248-12, 2. Joan Hassam 246-14, 3. Pete Wass 245-14
UL2: 1. Pete Wass 248-15, 2. John Hassam 248-10, 3. Mike Luce 247-13
UL3: 1. Pete Wass 248-16, 2. Joan Hassam 248-13, 3. John Hassam 247-16
Agg: 1. Pete Wass 741-45, 2. Steve Page 740-31, 3. John Hassam 739-37,

I would like to thank everyone who came to shoot and who helped to make this Match a success. We had a GREAT turnout considering where we are located and in spite of the poor weather, some Great Shooting. Thank You All !

Pete Wass
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You sure put on a Great two day shoot despite the challenging weather. I even used the black power smoke from the Cowboy action shoot on the high power range, instead of my lying wind flags on Sunday. I will try to make your last shoot next month.

Mike, John, Pete and Steve.




Joe, John




Klayton, John


Black Power Smoke Generators


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Congratulations on holding your first State IR 5050 match Pete. You efforts to provide a range to support the sport of .22 rf is greatly appreciated.
