Lyman Gen 6 powder measure flaw

Ive found the heavier each individual kernel is the more itll vary. It helps to use the straw and increase the last of the 3 program numbers so it trickles longer
Because I am a stupid head (after reading the first few posts here at the time) I ordered and received one.

1. Averaging every 50 dispenses, 40 or so are .1gr short, 7 are on the button, and 3 are .1 over.
2. On/off press screen button needs to be played with to operate.
3. It is a PITA to drain and clean.

I find I am spending an inordinate amount of time trickling out that .1 gr to get to weight and furthermore, it can be .1 under, I trickle out X kernels, it never hits the target weight but then shows .1gr over on the scale.

Q- Does the RCBS Chargemaster have these same issues? At this point, I ain't a happy camper.
If you are looking for an "exact" to the 0.01 powder dump from any current model on the market for $300.00 then
I will say your out of luck. I have used a RCBS Chargemaster for about 3 years and I am very satisfied with it. It
will not always hit the exact mark but then my Harrell's $300.00 powder thrower will not either.
I will tell you that when I was at the World BR match in St. Louis this year I was surprised that many of the US
Team members were using the Chargemaster. That you should tell you something about them.

Joe McNeill
SW Arkansas
On an average mine throws half of all charges .1 tenth of a grain high .
Every now and then one low .1 tenth of a grain.
Would this be normal
A possible fix for the Gen 6

I have replaced the factory seals around the dispensing tube with solid 3mm-thick Teflon (PTFE) rectangular sheets.

Drill a 25/64 hole, insert the tube with a factory seal, trace and cut with a box cutter. The resulting dimensions are approximately 3X18X19 mm. My first attempt was hurried, sloppy, but still successful. You will need to slightly enlarge the hole with a rat-tail file and shave the dimensions down until the tube will insert and rotate freely. Typical gunsmithing tweaking.

So far I've run 2500 grains of N133 through with no sign of binding up.

I may look into having someone make these up and vend thru BenchRite. But first I'll sound out Lyman again to see if they have found a fix.

Chuck MacCluer


  • lymanSealReplacement.jpg
    28.1 KB · Views: 514
I have replaced the factory seals around the dispensing tube with solid 3mm-thick Teflon (PTFE) rectangular sheets.

Drill a 25/64 hole, insert the tube with a factory seal, trace and cut with a box cutter. The resulting dimensions are approximately 3X18X19 mm. My first attempt was hurried, sloppy, but still successful. You will need to slightly enlarge the hole with a rat-tail file and shave the dimensions down until the tube will insert and rotate freely. Typical gunsmithing tweaking.

So far I've run 2500 grains of N133 through with no sign of binding up.

I may look into having someone make these up and vend thru BenchRite. But first I'll sound out Lyman again to see if they have found a fix.

Chuck MacCluer

You would think that Chargemaster would be very interested in testing an improvement and potential fix for one of their newest products. This isn't going to help them with their marketing efforts when someone outside the company is potentially offering substitute parts to upgrade one of their newest products.
Letter to Lyman


February 15, 2016
Lyman Products Corp
ATTN: Tom Griffin
475 Smith Street
Middletown, CT 06457

RE: Gen 6 Powder Measure Binding

Dear Mr. Griffin:

Have you made any progress in correcting the Gen 6’s tendency to bind up?
(I have enclosed copies of our Email exchanges of 10-31-2015 explicating this problem.)

I have made some progress by replacing your dispensing tube seals (which resemble tiny versions of the 5.25-inch floppies of yore) with solid 3mm-thick, 18X19mm Teflon sheets. (See included photograph.)

So far binding has not occurred after dispensing several thousand grains of N133 and IMR8208. Before this replacement, binding would occur at less than 600 grains.


Chuck MacCluer
Lyman Replies


Tom Griffin

Dear Mr. MacCluer,
At this time, I do not have anything to report regarding any changes to the Gen 6 powder box/bushings. I did receive your letter however and have forwarded a copy of it to our supplier for their review and consideration. They are looking into the matter. If they can come up with something that we feel is an improvement, I will send you out some new powder boxes/bushing to try.

Tom Griffin

Tom Griffin

Dear Mr. MacCluer,
At this time, I do not have anything to report regarding any changes to the Gen 6 powder box/bushings. I did receive your letter however and have forwarded a copy of it to our supplier for their review and consideration. They are looking into the matter. If they can come up with something that we feel is an improvement, I will send you out some new powder boxes/bushing to try.

Tom Griffin


Did you ever hear anything back from Lyman?
Same here... I picked up a Gen 6 this week from Brownells...

Went through the warm up, cal procedures...

Loading W748 @ 28gr. It seems to run fine for the first 10-15 throws then starts to slow down and then begins making chirping noises.

The first night was Wednesday and I did finally get a 50 rnd box finished.

Last night, same thing, first 10-15 ok then it starts to slow down and begins to struggle.

It finally locked up and I could not even power it down. Had to pull the power plug.

Called Brownells, they are going to replace.

We'll see if the new one does it again. Given what I've read in this thread, I'm betting it will do it again.

Could someone send me a pic and specs to create the teflon blocks.

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Apparently some of these newer electric dump measures are not the greatest for benchrest. Friend of mine brought his new Horanady over and we tried it. After much adjusting the various adjustments it still is a +/- 0.2-0.3 dispenser.

I carry 2 RCBS 1500's on the road and keep a third one in the reloading room. My first one, bought when they first came out in 2005 still works great but it doesn't get used much since it doesn't have the auto restart feature. The reloading room one has dumped probably 20,000+ guessing by the bullets used and still works great. Sometimes they will overshoot 0.1 but not often. They dump mostly 8208 and RL-10X.

3 times lucky

On my 3rd Lyman Gen 6 unit. Same problem with all of them. Can't enter charge weights. Press on continually to try and power up then the same again to power down. Won't calibrate correctly. Otherwise a quality product ready for the market.
This one seems to be playing the game. How long it will last once out of warrantee ???
Number 3

My third Lyman gen 6 powder dispenser just s...t itself. So I will now return it and pay an additional amount to get the RCBS. Wonderful product definitely ready for the market. Thanks Lyman.
Number spat

On my 3rd Lyman Gen 6 unit. Same problem with all of them. Can't enter charge weights. Press on continually to try and power up then the same again to power down. Won't calibrate correctly. Otherwise a quality product ready for the market.
This one seems to be playing the game. How long it will last once out of warrantee ???

Number 3 spat the dummy. So this time I am not sending it back to the distributor I am sending it back to the people that designed it. The covering letter reads what the problems have been with the 3 units I have had. But this time I am telling them to keep it. I don't want a replacement with an equally useless product. Nor do I want it repaired or do I want my money back. I just want the useless contraption out of my life and the best place for it is back where the problem started.

In the past when I have used this approach with photographic equipment that failed it has really lit a fire under them. We'll see what kind of response I get from this mob.