I have thought about this subject for quite some time, and i cant make heads or tails out of it! Is it worth the exspence of building a LV 30 br? I really enjoy the score game. It is by far my favorite game thus far in my shooting career. I have a nice heavy varmint 30 br that shoots really well. I have no plans of building a lv 30 br any time soon but it has crossed my mind more than once! LOL!! Anyway when i look at the match results i dont see many LV results. Is there not much interest in LV for score? Is the game of varmint for score a heavy gun game in general? I would have to think a LV 30 br would kick the snot out of you anyway. just looking for a little info on this as it interest me. I havent been to any registered score matches yet so i dont have any first hand experience. Our local club has a score match but most anything goes. Can someone shed any light on this subject for me. Thanks lee