Lowell Hottenstein Funeral Arrangements

At the request of the Hottenstein family I am with a heavy heart posting the link to Lowell's obituary which they wanted to be shared with his extended Benchrest family. Our sport truly lost one of the good guys.

The picture posted in the obituary is from WBC-6 held in Nelson New Zealand. I had the honor there of shooting on the Gold Metal winning 4-man team with Lowell, Armond Paglai and Tony Boyer.

Thanks Wayne.
I was googling Lowell's name. There are a lot of BR pictures there.
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Thanks Wayne.

Lowell told me a week before this hit that he was going to go to the Shamrock and the Hog Roast and also that he wanted to make the US Team so he could go back to New Zealand. His attitude was contagious and the guy never quit.

This is the picture of Lowell that hit me the most:

Lowell Air Cav.jpg
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Just got home from Lowell's funeral. Very nice Funeral.
Some of his ashes were in a J4 Jacket Bucket. Which everyone thought was appropriate.
The Church was packed, of course. I recognized most of the BR shooters. I think. Even some Canucks showed up, eh!
Joe And Jack shared some stories. Lowell really likes In and Out cheese burgers. They are my favorite. Secret menu Item is a double double animal.
The onions are fried and pickles added. Along with lettuce, tomato, special sauce. They deliver stock to the store daily. No freezers. French fries are peeled fresh and sliced and right into the fryer. Strawberry shakes are the best. When out west try them.
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