Lucky there Dave they usually blow at 3400 to 3550psi.
Still to figure current Lothar Walther made barrel out spec for another manufacturer. Usually I don't clean until see a flyer which is around the 800 pellet region. Then just a case of 2 VFG felts through and three shots, back to normal. Do run dry no lube.
Last rifle if cleaned the barrel it took 130 shots and still dire. 1000+ it started showing signs, keep it going 10,000 it just got better and better close on to 50k shots. Most people would have changed the barrel after 200 shots you have to go way way past the point of no return. Could glance at the dark grey feeding a pellet in, that bad to look at who cares if better. Pellets were lubed.
No other barrel or rifle ever had in 26 years responded well to cleaning barrel.
Still to figure current Lothar Walther made barrel out spec for another manufacturer. Usually I don't clean until see a flyer which is around the 800 pellet region. Then just a case of 2 VFG felts through and three shots, back to normal. Do run dry no lube.
Last rifle if cleaned the barrel it took 130 shots and still dire. 1000+ it started showing signs, keep it going 10,000 it just got better and better close on to 50k shots. Most people would have changed the barrel after 200 shots you have to go way way past the point of no return. Could glance at the dark grey feeding a pellet in, that bad to look at who cares if better. Pellets were lubed.
No other barrel or rifle ever had in 26 years responded well to cleaning barrel.