Looking into a tuner for an odd BR setup.



Add to that im a noob it makes it harder to know where to start, I just started BR shooting a few months ago. To top it all off i bought a gun that isnt BR friendly. But i learn fast and shoot well and to get that last bit of accuracy wrung out of the gun a tuner/Fudd/Bloop tube will be needed. I know little of what the differences are in each, But i get the concept and how they work perfectly.
The gun:
CZ Ultra Lux with a 28" barrel and a Don Stith Sporter BR stock.
Alot has been fluffed and buffed and no since in telling you everything.
It is currently shooting groups in the .3" range at 50 yards with Wolf MT and Eley Target.
So i know it can be improved further with it doing so well now.

(Edit) At first i thought id have to cut the front sight off, But was informed the sight is a sleeve. Its not known how to remove it yet without destroying anything. You have a clue?

One issue this presents is that once the sleeve is removed it will leave a very thin 2" section of barrel. Would it be better to have another sleeve made with a larger diameter so the tuner would fit better?
Would shortening the barrel make the tuner work better and be over all a better idea for BR use?
(End Edit)

As to tuners, Whats is available and would most likley work best?
Adjustability would be important and affordable would help also.

Im looking at the vonAhrens Tuner & Tuner Weight System from www.killoughshootingsports.com as i think this will give me the most adjustability for the money. But do you think just a plain Harrel tuner to start with and then buy what i need as i go?

I know this is an odd gun and setup so i included some pics, Its a great shooter for me.
But given my lack of experience any suggestions would help alot.
The hard part about how tuners work and how to adjust them i know or can look up, I just need direction on where to start.


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First welcome to Benchrest Central. What a very nice range you have for testing and having fun!!

You will probably get several different answers on your questions. None will be correct, lol. You will just have to start somewhere, you won't know until you do. The Harrel is a great tuner to start with and/or finish up with. With my limited experience (i have 2 harrel tuners) and wish i could afford one for every gun i own, you cannot go wrong.

I would cut the bbl somewhere behind the front sight. The Harrel tuner comes with a 3/4 bore. You could remove the front site and make an adpter your going to have to make an adpter anyway.

Now if the front site is on really nice and tight which it probably is... consider chucking the barrel and action in a lathe and turn off the front site till it is nice and round, what luck if you had 3/4" diameter left for your tuner. This would probably be my first choice, then you could cut 2" later if you did not get satisfactory results.

You will hear about you want a choke at the end of the bbl -you need to slug and all kind of suggestions. Nothing will be correct until you try something and test for results, definatly with a tuner, I think you will be pleasantly surprised if you have not used a tuner before. You can use your Wolf to set your tuner, you won't be more than 3 or 4 clicks off if you go to the more expensive ammo.

Using wolf you will get a flyer ever 8 to 10 shots where using CenterX or Eley the flyer will be gone. I have had excellent results .100's with wolf and a tuner!
And waht a very nice setup have. The Sith stock is super nice but of course that goes without sayin! have fun Jack C
Might want to check over on rimfire central in the CZ forum and ask around about the front sight removal. Your rifle seems to shoot very well at present, so I would not be inclined to say lope it off behind the front sight just to add a tuner. I would suggest an adapter to mate the tuner to the barrel, with the adapter being slotted to slip past the front sight. I have one tuner( Harrel type) but I have made several different adapters so that it may be used on different dia. barrels. I have not noticed any loss of effect from doing this.
Thank you for the replies! Im pretty well known at Rimfirecentral as it is, And im currently getting more help there also. They were the bad guys who turned me into a BR nut.
I found this on the net threw google and i think it pretty well describes the front site removal. http://www.czforumsite.info/index.php?action=printpage;topic=11620.0
The Harrel looks to be about the most versatile as long as its threaded and i can add a bloop tube.
But the VonAhrens Tuner would fill every need possible.
But in the end both are similar and the Harrel with a parallel noodle would be awesome also. But its very possible my gun wouldn't need all that.

Jack- Im with you on not all advice works for even half the people and thier guns, Way to may variables.
Ive already delved into the weighing my ammo to stop fliers, But have been lazy due to lack of time lately but i have my digi grain scale already. With current money issues buying bricks of Center-X may be hard to do.But by next summer when i hope to have my finances straightened out i hope i can afford at least 1 brick of great ammo a month and shoot Wolf/SK and Eley Target the rest of the time.

Im gonna have to look at many options and think hard on how i want to handle the front sight issue. I know if i just remove it per the link it will be so thin ill need to have another sleeve made and fitted as once the sight is gone the barrel is about as thick as a pencil under the sleeve.
With the barrel already 28" and tapered pretty thin at the end i honestly think the more i can cut off and shorten it the better a tuner would help it. Its just so dag on long and thin which has to make it resonate very high for a .22lr

But she is a great shooter as she sits, And id love to leave it as stock as possible at times and then another part of me wants to give in and just go nutz and make the barrel like i think it will work best. SO i have alot of soul searching on this.

While im researching and considering my options i will be working on some homemade tuner testing with coils of lead solder and maybe a few scope rings and what every else i find laying around. This way i can see if any improvements can be had if i just make my own, Or go all out with the gun barrel cutting and tuners.
If anyone has suggestion on a cheap way to make a homemade tuner just to test with id appreciate any suggestions.
Maybe a two piece mid barrel tuner. That way you do not have to cut and take the chance of ruining a good shooting gun.

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Ive seen the Pappas Mid-barrel Tuner which i think your talking about?
Im not so sure thats gonna be very effective all by itself since the only adjustability is where i place it.

Of subject i just found out my cat needs surgery and very soon, So that will be occupying any extra money i have.
At least it gives me a chance to think threw what is the best move with the barrel and front sight.
And also a chance to play around with some homemade ideas until i can buy a real one.
Ive seen the Pappas Mid-barrel Tuner which i think your talking about?
Im not so sure thats gonna be very effective all by itself since the only adjustability is where i place it.

Of subject i just found out my cat needs surgery and very soon, So that will be occupying any extra money i have.
At least it gives me a chance to think threw what is the best move with the barrel and front sight.
And also a chance to play around with some homemade ideas until i can buy a real one.

Sorry to hear your pussy hurtz. Jack C