long range

A book on long range shooting?

I'd suggest reading "Modern Exterior Ballistics" by Robert F. McCoy until you understand it. It will give you a fair understan'llding of how bullets fly though hte atmosphere. About 1000 shots fired in careful practcie, preferably with a skilled instructor, would be less time consuming though and would make you a better shooter.

I'm sorry, but I don't think yoiu can learn to be good shooter just from reading a book. I doubt you can learn to be good machinist or surgeon by reading a book either thouugh reading the right books will help with those endevours too.
i dont have a prob. with my shooting . im looking for info of the mechks of the scope and no of clicks to use at different dist. and the math to on how to adjust
thank you for your reply. ted

The above book was written by Nancy Tompkins who has been National highpower and long range champion. It contains excellent information on everything from position to wind reading to reloading and equipment. Everything you need to know!