Long range hunting rifle

I have been looking at the best of the west and gunwerks rifles.the adds say 1000 yard out of the box.my problem is I have not the 7000 $ to buy one all I have is a 700 Remington 300 Winchester mag rifle.now I have a barrel blank in 30 cal but can sell it and buy a 7 mm whitch seems to be what they shoot because of the bullets that are used ,being berger and the nosler brands.usind bench rest technequites I see no reason why I cannot build one of these rifles.am looking at the 1000 yard gunsmiths for this project.
any thoughts on this?
gary b...
One of my son's freinds bought into the best of the west story and his rifle cost 8,000 .
It's in 300 win.

Watch it

I did load development for a guy who listened to what those guys were saying. They wanted him to use a 168 Berger in. 7mm Rem Mag, with over 3200 fps. Using Retumbo, with more powder than the case would hold.
We ended up using H4831, about 2950 fps. Gun shot great.
Whoever he was communicating with was not experienced with reloading at all.

Good luck,
I see sad stories and lots of disappointment coming from those shows. Just goes to show how the higher the price on a gun the more folks want it. If Jesus himself was there chambering those barrels those guns wouldnt be worth $7000
Careful Zabeg, the caliber or the chambering isn't gonna be your only obstacle in trying to hit a deer at 1000 yards!!
That 300 win mag will make as good of a 1000yd rifle as whatever theyre selling in 7mm. It takes lots of practice to hit minute of deer at 1000yd and I mean LOTS. The gun that allows you to do this out of the box is a scope with the calibrated turrets to eliminate your trial and error of finding come ups for all the yardages. At 1000yds that only works at the calibrated temp, elevation, BC, bullet speed, zero wind, and flat shooting in the correct compass direction. All i can ever do is shake my head (out of the box killing deer at 1000yd)

I was stating that some of the best of the west rifles are chambered for the .300 Win. The rifle came with a mounted Huskmaw scope and ammo loaded for that rifle. The kid killed a coyote at 650 yds with it.

Whatever the caliber you choose, the rifle will either shoot well or it won't. That high price may indicate that the rifle has been tested and retested to the level it claims. I don't think anybody could build such a rifle without some degree of testing and re-doing along the way. Sure, every now and then, a fellow could build one and it shoot well enough (first time out) but I'm thinking few and far between.

That said, I think you can just about build two rifles for that kind of money and have fun doing it. So what if you miss a few shots at 1000 yards...you're gonna do that anyway...with the best of rifles.

Build your own rifle! If you have the $7000, as many folks do, buy one and save yourself the aggravation. Remember though, that somewhere along the way, that 7K rifle is gonna have a problem and you'll be right where you are now.

Folks like me, that don't have 7K to toss around have to learn to slip up on what we're gonna shoot - get a bit closer if you will:)
Gary my L.G. didn't cost that much, and it has a new VX-6 leupold on top! I've been hearing that a lot of gunsmith these day are building these hunting rifles for $7000 or more. You are on the computer so start looking up the action you want, trigger, barrel, stock, scope. Then find how much the smith will charge to do the work. It might help.Your close with the 300 wm. but my choice would be 300WSM. My 2 cents.

Joe Salt

I was stating that some of the best of the west rifles are chambered for the .300 Win. The rifle came with a mounted Huskmaw scope and ammo loaded for that rifle. The kid killed a coyote at 650 yds with it.


Wow was that a deal ……… my old model 70 rebarreled to 25-06 shot ground hogs over 1200 yds and deer close to a 1000 and it cost 125.00 used and restocked it in French walnut and it weighed 7.5 with a 24" Shilen barrel. i wore out a lot of barrels killing stuff at long range. To spend that kind of money on a gun is ridiculous and use it on big targets. I'm sure the guy building it, is also very happy $$$$……. jim
This is nothing new. Remember the "Bean Field Rifle" craze of the late '90's. Several top Gunsmiths who are household names didn't think anything of charging $7000+ for a Rifle capable of reaching out past 800 yards.

It's not hard to get into that price range pretty quick. An example is the 30 06 I built from that 721 action.

Cost of Rifle at pawn shop...275
Cost of barrel blank............325
Cost of stock......................400
Cost of trigger....................275
Cost of bottom metal...........325
Cost of parkerizing...............100
Total.............about $1800 in parts.

If you ad the cost of a custom action rather than a donar Rifle, that will be another $1500. So just to be on the safe side, we will say $3500 in parts.

Chamber job........250
Bedding action......150

Now we are up to close to $4000. Add the cost of a 8x32 NXS Nightforce, and you are up to pretty close to that magic $7000 number.

The only difference in my '06 and. 300 Win is the chamber, I could have just as easily made it with any chambering.

Of cousrse, you can easily cut that number in half by just putting a good barrel on any good commercial action that you can get a decent trigger for, bed it yourself, mount a Burris, Leupold, etc, find a good load and hit the fields with it.

For what it is worth, I have a friend who has a Factory Savage chambered in 6.5x284 that will put 5 shots in a 3/4 inch circle at 200 yards. He paid about $1800 for it, and mounted a 6x24 Leupold.

That will get the job done.

That being said, shooting at live animals at anything past 500 yards is, well...........
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I see sad stories and lots of disappointment coming from those shows. Just goes to show how the higher the price on a gun the more folks want it. If Jesus himself was there chambering those barrels those guns wouldnt be worth $7000

I don't know......if Jesus did the chambering, who knows what kind of miracles might be thrown in with the deal. ;)
I met a fellow over the holiday from Idaho showing we a video of his hunt on an elk at 750 yards.
The quick video was a shoulder shot and wham the elk went down. Quick pictures on the small screen and I saw something.
I said good shot was that the first shot? I saw ears turned back on that elk before the hit.
The young chap says no that was the second shot , the first one was a gut shot.
I ain't buying into this long range shooting of late on live meat for fun. It's plain cruel in my mind and most can't do it. It's a internet and tv fad to show off. They don't show you the cut out video.
Be a hunter and hunt clean. If you want to practice long, do it on paper not at the game.
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I don't know......if Jesus did the chambering, who knows what kind of miracles might be thrown in with the deal. ;)
If Jesus did it? A .22 long rifle skipped across the lake water top and hit a goose while trout fishing? Not saying I saw that mind you.
,Tom J.
This is all i do for a living, Guide hunters, Long-range hunting rifles, shooting schools for hunters & i have seen & coached more elk, mule deer & moose kills @ 500 - 1500 yards then anyone. So let me ask a few questions. What is your main animal you want to target, what weight of rifle are you wanting, what hunting optics have you considered, are you road hunting or backpacking, how far can you walk, what is your weight, do you have a rangfinder if so what brand, do you plan to solo hunt or with a partner, what is your shooting percentage @ 400, 500,600,700,800,800 & 1000 from prone & shooting sticks, what shooting sticks do you use, do you own a spotting scope if so what one, do you have a portable weather station?