Long Range Hunter




First post with a question. Looking for a long range lightweight hunter for $2000-2500 price range. Have great glass already, just need a rifle. Looking to hunt deer and or elk. Live in Colorado.

Thank you all
cabelas had 26" bda's on sale.
my 24" box stock 30'06 shot well
under an inch with 165 hunting bullets.

much better than the 300 wsm i paid
around $1100 for.
they have 26" 200 win mags also.

if it does not shoot you could have it rebbl'd and restocked
with a boyds for less than your total.
Consider a Tikka before you spend a bunch of money on a custom hunting rifle. Good gun right out the box. Over on Accurate shooter there are a couple of rifles for sale might interest you.
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That price range could put you into a nice semi-custom rifle, especially if you already have glass. A trued action with a sporter contour stainless barrel, bedded into a light weight hunting stock, and a good trigger.

Dave Short Customs LLC could likely get you set up if you go that route.
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Just buy a Wetherby 300 Mag Vanguard
If you can see i you can kill it.
180 bullet at 3000 feet a second
I am not sure of price.
Under a $1000
I am a long range hunter...Cheapest most effective rig in my opinion would be to rebarrel a Remington model 700 sendero and put a good trigger on it...Plenty accurate for the job.....
I can't believe these answers here......"If you can see it you can kill it???"......sounds like something on a "XXX Long Range" video.

First of all, what's "long range?" (350yds is truly long range for most people) whereas most of the shiney mags and the Xtranormal innernet warriors and Snipers will tell you that "long range starts at 600yds" so's I'm guessing from your description....correct me if I'm wrong.

Secondly, how ethical are you? And how good? Do you currently shoot "long range?" Like 600yds? Given a 12" kill zone there's not one hunter in 10,000 that can hit it with ANY GUN at 600yds let alone a "lightweight rifle."

I build and shoot rifles capable of 1/10moa to 1/4moa accuracy. These rifles routinely shoot groups 3"-6" at 600yds in the real world......With this sort of rifle could you hit a 12" disc at 600yds? HAVE you? (There's a HUGE difference between shooting a group onto a sheet of plywood at 600 VS hitting a 12" killzone with one shot)

Also, "deer and or elk,".......are you a CO native? Do you know how much harder elk are than deer? (I saw 30-06 w/168's mentioned. I'm in elk country too......and IME hitting an elk with 1200fp isn't ethical. Just my opinion. 'Course, my opinion also is that elk rifles for anything beyond 350yds START with 338/250gr.)

Not trying to rain all over your parade but I ain't jumping on this "build you a 300 and have at it" bandwagon, nor letting it pass by without more input from you.
It takes a lot of practice and knowing when NOT to take the shot. I do a lot of one shot practice just before the season ie. I take one shot at 500, 800 , 600, 1000 back to 700 etc. I do this type of practice just before hunting season to simulate a hunting shot.

My long range hunting gun weighs about 18 lbs and is capable of consistent 3 shot groups under 3 inches at 700 yards if the conditions are good.I also do a lot of practice in adverse conditions now which I used to avoid and am getting pretty good at doping the wind etc.
Last year I watched a big buck one evening at 630 yards for 5 minutes but didn't take the shot. A few evenings later I watched the same buck at 725 yards for 15 minutes but did not take the shot again because of the conditions. 3 evening pasted , the conditions were perfect when he walked out at 775 yards. The shot from my Barnard/ 29 inch bartlein 7mm saum dropped him in his tracks. He went down instantly and never got up.

If you put in the time and practice a lot it can be done but the most important thing is to know when to shoot and when to pass.
I shot long range for a least 5 years before feeling confident enough to hunt long range.
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There was a for sale ad on Accurate Shooter Tikka 995 in 30-378 Wea. W/BRAKE for about a grand + or - (effendude) is his sign in name. He's a good guy.
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long range

Im with you Al. I guess were what they call old school but I don't have a lot of new tech stuff. 350 or 400 would be my max and I better have a good rest. You are only a few inches from a gut shot if you hit him right. Ialways felt I owed the deer or elk a quick kill but Ive made a bad shot at close range too. A gut shot elk with a .270 is a gut shot elk with a .375. A old elk hunter said. Doug
I can't believe these answers here......"If you can see it you can kill it???"......sounds like something on a "XXX Long Range" video.

First of all, what's "long range?" (350yds is truly long range for most people) whereas most of the shiney mags and the Xtranormal innernet warriors and Snipers will tell you that "long range starts at 600yds" so's I'm guessing from your description....correct me if I'm wrong.

Secondly, how ethical are you? And how good? Do you currently shoot "long range?" Like 600yds? Given a 12" kill zone there's not one hunter in 10,000 that can hit it with ANY GUN at 600yds let alone a "lightweight rifle."

I build and shoot rifles capable of 1/10moa to 1/4moa accuracy. These rifles routinely shoot groups 3"-6" at 600yds in the real world......With this sort of rifle could you hit a 12" disc at 600yds? HAVE you? (There's a HUGE difference between shooting a group onto a sheet of plywood at 600 VS hitting a 12" killzone with one shot)

Also, "deer and or elk,".......are you a CO native? Do you know how much harder elk are than deer? (I saw 30-06 w/168's mentioned. I'm in elk country too......and IME hitting an elk with 1200fp isn't ethical. Just my opinion. 'Course, my opinion also is that elk rifles for anything beyond 350yds START with 338/250gr.)

Not trying to rain all over your parade but I ain't jumping on this "build you a 300 and have at it" bandwagon, nor letting it pass by without more input from you.

I'm a thousand % behind you Al.
Im with you Al. I guess were what they call old school but I don't have a lot of new tech stuff. 350 or 400 would be my max and I better have a good rest. You are only a few inches from a gut shot if you hit him right. Ialways felt I owed the deer or elk a quick kill but Ive made a bad shot at close range too. A gut shot elk with a .270 is a gut shot elk with a .375. A old elk hunter said. Doug

I agree!!
he has never:
said what long range is.
what his past experience is.

my friends over in co seldom
shoot over two hundred yards hunting.
had one guy do 175 with black powder
a week ago.

no real need for an ethics lesson till
we know what he thinks he is doing.