Life Sucks When You Can't Make A Match.

jackie schmidt

New member
:mad:We have the Gulf Coast Region LV-Sporter this week end at Denton, and I have a job in my shop that we have to get finished by tomorrow noon.
My Wife and I will try to get there late tomorrow, at least I can shoot for one Grand Agg.
Things really suck when you are all ready for a big Region Match, and a trivial thing such as work gets in the way.
I know I should be thankfull that business is still as good as it is, and I am. But it still sucks.:D.......jackie
Part of being self employed is working 7 days a week on rare occasions.

Part of being successful in your own business is knowing when the job HAS to come first. It doesn't always have to come first but there are situations where it does.

Usually it's a 'show me the money' moment ;)
And, Wilbur

I will be there. I will miss the Nationals to make Rachels Glenn.
Sometimes it is all about having a good time........jackie
One of my gigs is now putting together continuing education conferences for healthcare professionals.

Our first big one is in late August. Between now and then, I'm on 24/7 firefighting duty.

Sometimes it is all about having a good time..

That is what MATTERS........:)

To great Aggs Jackie,
We all hope to see

ya for sunday, but if you dont make it we will understand. It's a long ways to go and expensive for one day.
I useta' set behind the counter in a gunshop........all through deer season.

I guess this is probably what started me bow hunting :D

But I wrapped up my job today, I AM going to my match tomorrow ;)

Jackie ...

Find a smart hard-charging fella who can run the shop while you're away. Art
Well Jackie,

It's over and according to the results posted you'se made more folks happy by NOT BEING THERE :D:D:D


Come On Guys

The first requirement in winning anything is to show up. If, for what ever reason, a shooter can't be there, then he is a NON FACTOR.
In Benchrest, we shoot against who is there, on that day, in those conditions. Jay Lynn Gore is the Gulf Coast Region 4-Gun Champion. He earned it. Nuff Said..........jackie