Leupold Competition Scope ?



Has Leupold made any changes to the Competition series scopes? I have read of the defects with canted reticules and the side focus issues. Any thought or input is appreciated, if this has been addressed in another post please let me know. Also if you have any first hand experiance with the IOR Valdada 36x I would like to hear your evaluation.
From what I have heard, the current Leupold Competition Series are top notch. Have been for several years.

As for the Valdada, the scope is on the heavy side to put atop a 10.5 pound Rifle. Other than that, they are pretty good.........jackie
I have shot the IOR Valdada for the last two years and it is superb. The optics are great and the adjustments are spot on. It holds poi as one should expect from a premium scope. Although, I shoot it on my 10.5# Sporter, some may have trouble making weight with the 25 ounce scope. The Leupold Competition scope is another excellent choice and many of the top shooters use it. Good shooting...James