That's easy.
Read any books on Benchrest???
With a Capitol "B".
Answer still "NO".
Ever gone with your Friend to a Benchrest shoot????
Still NO.
At least you came the BC.
One of the best places to get an answer.
Still NO.
Now here's why the big NO.
There are 3 books out there. Read any??????
Benchrest is in your area. Been to any matches??? How about a tournament????
Like Charles indicates. You need a huge desire. To win. Rain or shine. Hot to Freezing.
You don't have a firearm.
And the last +30 yrs shooting Benchrest.
That is what it takes to be competitive.
Lee. I am a new guy, also.
I have read the books.
I have a used gun. It has won many things. But, the operator is one of the best. Not me.
I have been to 4 tournaments. I shot the Super Shoot this year. Had a great time.
Drive over to Kelbly's. They have a used gun rack.
The current winning combo.
+30 yrs shooting Benchrest.
Bat action.
Scoville stock.
Krieger barrel.
Dwight Scott as the Gunsmith.
Leupold 45X. Maybe March. Got $2400 for a March scope. The price maybe off.
N-133 powder.
Fed Primer.
Oh, Yea. I heard there were a lot of Hottenstein bullets shot at the WBC.
It's a long road. Welcome to the club.
I am hooked.
I bought a used firearm. 6PPC.
After sighting in the scope. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round went in the same hole. I was hooked. This was fresh brass. Neck turned. First firing. Fresh brass. 100y.
That was last August.
This year. My second Group match. Local club. I was leading, until the 5th relay. I was second by .008". Is that great or what?????
Anyway. Welcome.
Tim B.
The Show me Shoot/Tournament is still going on. Tomorrow.
Drive on over. And just walk around. Introduce yourself. Tell them I am a New guy. Shake some hands.
I did that last year. At WWCCA. And Bill Gammon talked my ear off for 3 hrs.
Bill Gammon is one of the Big Shots of Benchrest. He sponsors "The Best Female Shooter Trophy" at the Super Shoot. A real nice guy.
I know a few shooters from MI are going to be there.
St. Louis is supposed to be a real nice range.
Hi Lee.
I was only questioning the desire. Sounds like you have it. And some more.
Thank you for the explanation.
I am not sure, I can answer your question.
Shotgunning is different.
I was watching some really good shooters at the Super Shoot.
Very meticulous in set up. Shoot a fouler/sighter. Then, they just sit there. No hurry.
Of course, working very hard. Watching the flags. Waiting. Waiting.Waiting.
I try that. And I almost run out of time.
Always shooting at the same target. Waiting. And waiting.
I am a hunter picker. Try to find a steady condition. Match that on the sighter.
Last weekend. I learned how to chase a shot.
Action wise. Call your gunsmith.