Lest we forget


New member
I saw today that Japan is remembering the day that an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima 75 years ago.

Whilst this was an extreme act of war it probably saved millions of allied soldiers lives as an invasion of the Japanese islands would have been very costly and maybe have dragged WWII out to 1947.

I comment on this as my friends uncle was executed by the Japanese in New Guinea because he was an Australian soldier who resisted and sent a few to a happy place to join their ancestors.

Because he was considered 'Brave' the Japanese chose to chop his head off with a samuari sword instead of shooting him.

So no sympathy from this little brown duck.

* doggie *
In spite of the immediate threat from Japan in '41/'42, they and New Zealand sent troops to North Africa to fight the Germans.
This was not a popular decision on the home front.
The Aussie and Kiwi forces that remained in the Pacific played an important but sometimes ignored role in the final outcome.

I have a vested interest in President Truman’s ultimate decision to use the Atomic Bombs.

My Dad was stationed in the Philippines in 1945, and was part of the forces being trained for the invasion of the home islands of Japan. Considering the horrendous casualty figures that were being predicted if Japan continued the war and the Allies were forced to invade, there is a good possibility he would have been killed.

And I would not have been born.
History long forgot

My dad was wounded in ITALY in WW 2. Drafted @ 27 years old with a 6 yr old daughter. My my father in law graduated in May 1944 from high school. Enlisted in the Navy and was a Seabee. In April 1945 he stepped of a shipped onto an Island named Okinawa. Once in awhile he talk about the battle ships shelling the island in prep for the landing. Talked about the kamikaze attacks on his ship.

In my aging years i purposely have visited 3-4 National cemeteries while on vacation. A sobering walk thru our struggles to create America, keep America and free the world.
Every liberal SOB needs to walk thru one of these historical landmarks.

My dad was was born August 6 ,1915 in Iowa on a 40 acre farm.
Every liberal SOB needs to walk thru one of these historical landmarks.

I don't believe it would be the honorable thing to do they would be walking on sacred ground and don't deserve that right.

I had an Uncle on the USS South Dakota and his brother was on the second USS Hornet towards the end.
Today is VP Day here in Australia and New Zealand (Victory in the Pacific) or as some people remember it as VJ Day (Victory over Japan).

Anyway, that's when Australia figgured out that our cousins in the U.S. are quite handy to have as allies, after all, we all share the same Pacific ocean and it's a pretty big chunk of the planet.

Next time you need a bit of help, no wucking furries!

* Doggie *
Operation Olympic

I am in the same boat with Jackie on this one. My dad made landings on Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima with the 3rd Mar Div. He was lucky enough to leave all 3 islands standing. Iwo Jima was Feb-March , 1945. The division went back to Guam for recuperation, replacements, and retraining. They spent about 4 months there preparing for the invasion of mainland Japan. On August 10, the Division completed its final exercises in preparation to loading up and steaming north.

Just 5 days later. the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. At 1005 PM, Aug 15, 1945 the military radio station on Guam, broadcast that the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima that was 20 thousand times more powerful as TNT.....and wrecked the whole city.

Needless to say, almost nobody got any sleep that night.

I doubt that Billy W Martin, a roughneck from Liberty Tx, would have survived his 4th landing of WW II.
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