Fellas I am thinking about setting up a second 30BR using a BAT action. I have a 30BR on a Lawton Action at the moment and it really shoots well but i feel the 30BR needs a coned bolt action. It takes a couple of bolt manipulations to get the bolt closed on my Lawton while shooting the 30BR. I am really impressed with my BAt actions that i have and i think it makes since to have a BAt action on my 30BR comp rifle. What i would like to know is if I can use my Bartlein 30BR barrel thats on my Lawton action. I cant tell by looking at the threads if they are the same thread count or not. I dont want to take my barrel off my ppc to see if the Lawton will screw onto it or not. I dont want to touch my ppc as it shoots way to good to mess with. I did know that there will have to be a little work done as the Lawton has a longer tenon. Will i have to cut all the treads off the Lawton 30BR barrel to make it fit a BAt action properly? I have a 22BR barrel for the Lawton action that really shoots well and i can use this combo for a club level comp rifle so that action will continued to be used regardless if i can use my Bartlein 30BR barrel on a new BAt action. If i have to cut the treads completely off the bartlein to make it fit a BAT action it will only be 20" long. Is that to short? Sorry for all the questions its just something i have been thinking about here lately. Thanks Lee