Lathe/ concrete requirments

Look at Bill calfee's shop, his lathe sits on a dirt floor

Jerry. The floor is dirt, but the lathe sits on concrete.
Talked to several fellas who worked down in Royal Oak. They all said that Ol' man DeVlieg new everyone. He would remember that you had a couple kids and your wife's name. So on and so on. All gone now. Those machines are going to the scrappers left and right. Soon to including our 4J96 Jigmill.Just a note, we have four feet of concert under her.

My thought on concert, for a lite lathe. Four inches is plenty.

someone is buying all the cast iron K models they can lay their hands on. They are plaining the ways off them, and replacing them with hard steel ways and Turcite. Pretty much building a "J" machine out of a "K" machine. You have your choice of control and drives. Supposedly the machine builders are ex Devlieg employees. The ball screws were comming from LSI, and were tailored to the specs I came up with. They even went so far as to use our redesigned bearing packs charged with 3psi air mist oiling. Funny thing is that we quit using Turcite in them around 1988, and went to Moglice with ways gound to a much tighter spec than Devlieg called out for. Our machines would do .00025" all day long in full auto run. The folks I worked for decided they had to have a machine center better than a Devlieg, and bought a SIP MC (only one I ever saw). Spent a million four on it with some of the nicest fixtures I've ever seen to this very day. That thing was a piece of junk from day one, and SIP allowed us to know that we were not smart enough to keep it running (nobody could). During one of it's W axis rebuilds they removed all the fixturing and put it on a Devlieg, and the Devlieg ran better parts! Later we found that certain tool engineers were getting their pockets lined.
Thanks on the correction for Calfees shop, just going from what I read somewhere.

In the old days shop floors were a mixture of cast iron chips and salt. (Notice I didn't say Good Old Days)
My understanding is he did it that way on purpose. The dirt floor would be easier on the feet,legs and back.