Lapua Test facilities??


New member
I just received an email from Lones Wigger asking if anyone has heard the rumor of a testing facility in Arizona for CF and RF.

Lapua do have their own mobile test facility. They are taking it to Ireland in early March 2012.
Is building a testing facility in Arizona that is scheduled to be open in January 2012
That will be similar to the texting facility they have in Germany
With both 50 meters and 100 meters tunnels
Anyone know what the cost at the new facility is likely to be?

The cost for the Irish mobile sessions which are as good as the Lapua factory testing is €55.
It might be nice

If the Ammo distributors had a test facility so that one could go there and find the ammo they needed. Guess it might short circuit the dealer network though, eh? Wonder why Champions Choice and some other stocking dealers don't have one. I guess the other disciplines aren't as demanding, perhaps.
Lou: Is that land cost only? Sounds like a very small sum with all the EPA, OSHA, and other regulations that must be followed to build and operate such a facility. Lead dust is over-regulated to the Nth degree. Underground? You ever get a quote to move the amount of dirt that would take? I suspect the permit fees alone would approach a chunk of your estimate.

Buying a box or two each of several lots and testing at your local range is not that difficult. Finding a killer lot and then worrying about it being all sold before you get your order in can cause sleepless nights. Finding the killer lot and buying every darn box on the shelves; priceless. bob
Well boys ya missed the point, if Wigger is interested that makes one think serious about Lapua.
If I could find a lot that would chronograph within 20fps, I would purchase all I could afford!!! I have NOT found this yet.
Find yourself a hillside, get a big 360 excavator to gouge out a a 14ft wide 8ft deep trench, line trench with two runs of 6ft concrete pipe rings. Back fill trench and place a timber sectional buildings at each end of the pipe run, install lighting and air circulation system, video target monitoring system, total cost $250 max
Willy said in part: "If I could find a lot that would chronograph within 20fps, I would purchase all I could afford!!! I have NOT found this yet."

Recently tested Eley revealed 3 out of 20 lots that did stay within a 20 fps variation. One had a 14 fps spread and two had an 18 fps spread. (40 rounds each lot randomly pulled from multiple boxes) The average spread of the 20 lots was greater than 30 fps, including the good stuff and some junk that had in excess of 45 fps spread. Good ammo is out there if you can find it. I've not yet seen any Lapua THAT good. bob
Have you tried any Lapua X-Act?

Several Australian nation records have been shot using Lapua ammo.
Have you tried any Lapua X-Act?

Several Australian nation records have been shot using Lapua ammo.

Hambone (or should I say tag)

I’ve broken a few Australian records with X-Act but we might need to refer to them as world records so our American friends understand (the idea of national records is foreign to them, everything is a world record). At this stage I think I’m the only rimfire BR shooter who has won international medals with Eley, RWS and Lapua and I find X-Act to be the most consistent of any of the ammo available, but the price is a killer.

I’ve been to the Lapua test range in Germany and there is no chrono there (none at the Eley test range either) and when you test at any of the factories its not what you think, I found 2 lots my gun liked but there was only 4000 of each lot available, someone had taken most of those lots before. Also you’ll need a cradle for your type of action so you can put it in the vice to test, its not done off a rest.

For those of you worried about extreme spreads try R50 it is the best with spreads by a long way and any of the lots I’ve won big matches with will average 16fps or better over 5 or 6 ten shot groups. But the spread is not everything, I’ve seen lots of all brands that will give a small spread but won’t group and lots that have big spreads but group great. But the golden rule is, in the wind a small spread is worth points.

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Hambone (or should I say tag)

I’ve broken a few Australian records with X-Act but we might need to refer to them as world records so our American friends understand (the idea of national records is foreign to them, everything is a world record). At this stage I think I’m the only rimfire BR shooter who has won international medals with Eley, RWS and Lapua and I find X-Act to be the most consistent of any of the ammo available, but the price is a killer.

I blame it all on baseball ! Who can have a World Series and only have domestic teams compete? At least in soccer and rugby when they play the World Cup national teams from around the world compete.

So even you find X-ACT pricey despite being looked after by Lapua. I get the impression that Lapua just don't care.
Hambone (or should I say tag)

I’ve broken a few Australian records with X-Act but we might need to refer to them as world records so our American friends understand (the idea of national records is foreign to them, everything is a world record). At this stage I think I’m the only rimfire BR shooter who has won international medals with Eley, RWS and Lapua and I find X-Act to be the most consistent of any of the ammo available, but the price is a killer.

I’ve been to the Lapua test range in Germany and there is no chrono there (none at the Eley test range either) and when you test at any of the factories its not what you think, I found 2 lots my gun liked but there was only 4000 of each lot available, someone had taken most of those lots before. Also you’ll need a cradle for your type of action so you can put it in the vice to test, its not done off a rest.

For those of you worried about extreme spreads try R50 it is the best with spreads by a long way and any of the lots I’ve won big matches with will average 16fps or better over 5 or 6 ten shot groups. But the spread is not everything, I’ve seen lots of all brands that will give a small spread but won’t group and lots that have big spreads but group great. But the golden rule is, in the wind a small spread is worth points.


Last I heard all the sanctioning bodies have records within their disciplines. I read nothing in the rules that precludes you from organizing/ participating in those disciplines. Given the body of work you've produced devoted to complaining about terminology you could've had a sanctioned club up and running matches quite some time ago....just a thought. You could even as an act of shooting mercy, teach the Hamster which end of the gun the bullet exits.

I started and ran Rimfire Benchrest Australia for about 8 years and because the world doesn’t start or end at our borders all records were record as national records not world records.

World Sanctioning Bodies, Peter, it isn't really a novel concept.

There are already 2 world sanctioning bodies for rimfire BR WRABF and WBSF and
both seem to say only records shot at world championships are to be called world records and both bodies have been in place for years.
