Lapua Midas Ammo

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
Who are some of the dealers for Lapua Midas and Center X ammo.. Looking to buy some for matches..



Clint Swigert is where I buy my match Rim Fire Ammo. He will send you an inventory list with Brand, Model, Lot Numbers and inventory quantities. E-mail him at:

He has also had some ammo drop shipped to me from his main supplier after linking me up to their inventor list.

Good Shooting @ Joplin ,Mo

Cathy Winstead is a Champion Silhoutte Shooter that sells Lapua in Joplin ,Mo 417-438-0845 ,She has a Web site also !
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Test Facility

I send my rifles to the Lapua Test Tunnel, and take the guesswork out of the equation. Find the best for you barrel and buy all you can.
I send my rifles to the Lapua Test Tunnel, and take the guesswork out of the equation. Find the best for you barrel and buy all you can.

Before sending make sure they actually have ammo on hand for testing. I sent mine, and a second barrel, last year and they didn’t have enough Midas+ on hand to be much of a test. So disappointed no more trips to Arizona for my rifles.
Test Center

Lapua has had a re-organization, you can reach the test facility director, Daniel Cliff, at and by phone 480 626 8648. They do things a little different now, the test center has enough lots for testing, and the ammo order is fulfilled from their warehouse in Sedalia, MO. You can still run the purchase through your pet dealer ( I use Clint Swigert, Shooting for Perfection 502 750 3276 ). The test center currently has about a dozen lots of Midas+.
TesT Lots?

Lapua has had a re-organization, you can reach the test facility director, Daniel Cliff, at and by phone 480 626 8648. They do things a little different now, the test center has enough lots for testing, and the ammo order is fulfilled from their warehouse in Sedalia, MO. You can still run the purchase through your pet dealer ( I use Clint Swigert, Shooting for Perfection 502 750 3276 ). The test center currently has about a dozen lots of Midas+.
Coined a new Phrase "pet Dealer"? pretty neat ! Just heard that your pet dealer is not sending out any test lots anymore and customers will have to guess ,gamble and buy blind on any lots they want to purchase ! When BR shooters have to guess many of them do not fair well ! That is a fact and not good ! When Adam Braverman announce the Sedalia distribution center gets up and running that Lapua would take care of the shooters requesting test lots ! If this has not been addressed , and the test station is the only means to address this situation ,somebody isn`t sirius ! If Adam wants us to buy untested ammo with no test lots available from pet dealers or the distribution center in Sedalia ,Mo ; and a few Team Lapua members do get any thing they want ,the Lapua train has a sirius blip in the system ! JMO
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I hope this does not come to freuition

From my experience, over the past two years, Lapua is clearly a better ammo than the others. Cleaning is reduced dramatically and is much easier. Apparently whatever they use for lube is the key to it.

The problem I see is a dozen lots of ammo for the USA doesn't seem adequate to me. I don't know if my perception is wrong but there doesn't seem to be much depth in terms of lot size. I am hoping to find a good lot that I can buy a quantity of to get me through the year is all.

I am loath to send a rifle to a testing facility for something as simple as testing. Doesn't make much sense to me.I wish they would encourage more of their dealers to work with folks who want to test. There aren't many that seem to be willing. I guess if they can get everyone to buy blind and live with the consequences, they keep their shelves empty.

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From my experience, over the past two years, Lapua is clearly a better ammo than the others. Cleaning is reduced dramatically and is much easier. Apparently whatever they use for lube is the key to it.

The problem I see is a dozen lots of ammo for the USA doesn't seem adequate to me. I don't know if my perception is wrong but there doesn't seem to be much depth in terms of lot size. I am hoping to find a good lot that I can buy a quantity of to get me through the year is all.

I am loath to send a rifle to a testing facility for something as simple as testing. Doesn't make much sense to me.I wish they would encourage more of their dealers to work with folks who want to test. There aren't many that seem to be willing. I guess if they can get everyone to buy blind and live with the consequences, they keep their shelves empty.


The vast majority of people who purchase match ammunition simply do not test - I would not hesitate to state that 70+ % of smallbore prone and position shooters don't go to that level of effort. A significant number of shooters also only compete indoors in leagues, etc. so there is not the same level of need to push accuracy to the nth degree.

In addition, a dealer offering test lots with any special "program" has the issue of the amount of time between shipping the ammo, the shooter testing and then actually responding in a timely manner. The same lot of ammo can be shipped to 10 different shooters and the one who - through a combination of factors - makes their determination first and places an order wins the race. That is where sending the rifle to a test center cuts out all of the issues with the do it yourself approach. The logistics behind a dealer keeping track of lot numbers out for testing, etc. becomes a nightmare also.

Again, these are just my observations......
Pet dealer

Sorry for trying to offer my experience with the excellent service I received at the Lapua test center, and then the discount extended by Clint for ammunition that never was in his possession.
Yes, a dozen lots is not a huge number to test from, but it is more than I have in my possession and have perfect conditions to test! AND, all for $50..... So if they do not find a killer lot from their available lots, I don't have to buy any!!! Only my .02 worth
I woudld only say this

The vast majority of people who purchase match ammunition simply do not test - I would not hesitate to state that 70+ % of smallbore prone and position shooters don't go to that level of effort. A significant number of shooters also only compete indoors in leagues, etc. so there is not the same level of need to push accuracy to the nth degree.

In addition, a dealer offering test lots with any special "program" has the issue of the amount of time between shipping the ammo, the shooter testing and then actually responding in a timely manner. The same lot of ammo can be shipped to 10 different shooters and the one who - through a combination of factors - makes their determination first and places an order wins the race. That is where sending the rifle to a test center cuts out all of the issues with the do it yourself approach. The logistics behind a dealer keeping track of lot numbers out for testing, etc. becomes a nightmare also.

Again, these are just my observations......

You are probably right, the majority of people who buy match grade ammo do not test, I assume that would be Position shooters because to be be at all competitive in Benchrest, one must have the best ammo they can find and I find, generally, one lot in 4 or 5 and sometimes not that good. Buying blind is like throwing one's money into the street or buying lottery tickets, from my experience. Lottery tickets are a buck or two. Bricks of match ammo are $150.00+. per brick.

Imagine buying a case of ammo that guarantees one will loose every match they go to for the next couple of years.

The problem apparently is supply and small quantity lot numbers. I'll be dern if I will buy inferior ammo. I'll go back to brand X first. I'm not quite there yet.

Lapua has had a re-organization, you can reach the test facility director, Daniel Cliff, at and by phone 480 626 8648. They do things a little different now, the test center has enough lots for testing, and the ammo order is fulfilled from their warehouse in Sedalia, MO. You can still run the purchase through your pet dealer ( I use Clint Swigert, Shooting for Perfection 502 750 3276 ). The test center currently has about a dozen lots of Midas+.
I can bet there price out of the tunnel Auto Bench rest Association ask for Daniel us
Tunnel Test pricing

For lapua Ammo At the Tunnel (Auto Bench Rest Association) can Beat anyone price ask for us at the tunnel