Krupa Wins at Chippewa Supershoot Warm-up

Lee Hachigian

Active member
I just heard that Joe Krupa won the 2-Gun at the Chippewa Supershoot Warm-up today, in what I was told as horrendous conditions (gust of 35 mph).

Larry Feusse was 2nd and Gene Bukys was 3rd. George Carter won the LV Grand, and Krupa won the HV Grand.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Lee :D
Chippewa Shooters

We had 40 shooters for a two day, two gun group match. We had participamts from Australia, South Africa, Canada, and all parts of the USA. Over 30 of the shooters were planning on also shooting the Super Shoot. The members and officers of the Chippewa Rifle club would like to thank all that attended and I would personally like to thank all the members that volunteered their time and efforts to make this a successful match.

Randy Perkowski
Congratulations Joe, Larry and George. Was Vera there or did George leave her behind to try and up his chances?:)
what kind of aggs did they shoot?wondered if it was as windy there as it was everywhere else