Kimber 82G trigger modification.....

This thread is super old but is this guy still around and if so how do I get ahold of him??

Over on RFC there are several recent post saying that Nemo is no longer in the trigger mod business and has not returned several of the shooters triggers and rifles that he was working on. Check RFC community forum for more details.

Brer rabbit
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I have two 82G’s and they both shoot surprisingly well with their preferred Ammo. The biggest shortcomings are the stock shape and triggers. Seeing as how there are problems with Mr. Dearborn. Anyone know of someone that could help me with these issues?

I know these rifles will never be good enough for real scanctioned Benchrest matches. I’m not looking to go down the rabbit hole of turning them into full-on accuracy machines capable of winning the nationals. But they are more than adequate for the local Benchrest silhouette matches I have been using them for. Matter of fact I used one to win the last match I shot. I would just like to improve on the aforementioned issues.

Thank you in advance for any help...