Kimber 82 G questions?

Lager, I just saw your post above; my heart and thoughts go out to you and your family. Best wishes as you and your wife raise those "little ones." Do you mind sharing with us about the grandkids? Are they gonna be shooters also?
Member CJD, Gee, thanks for throwing something else in the mix .LOL
I just got back from the range and had a terrible practice. I was barely able to keep the shots in the 9 ring today? All I did was move the scope back about 1 .5 inches to allow the rifle to float in the rests without me having to put some shoulder pressure on the pad to see thru the scope. That wasn't a good idea ! Took me 50 rounds to figure out that wasn't working. These rifles sure are picky. I packed it up and came home. Looks like I have to move the scope back to where it was and try again. Hopefully get back to where I started for the match coming up in a week and half.
Member AKA Hunter, thanks for the sympathy. Concerning the kids? There is a 9 year old girl, 2 boys ages 5 and 4.
Its difficult to say the least.
They going to be shooters?
I dont know. Their Mom was against it every time I brought it up in the past. Their Grandmother/ my Wife is against it. Their Dad says No.
Ive always had to hide my sport from the Kids, they dont even know I have a safe room where I store all my stuff in. They know I shoot, its hard to hide reloading equipment, but they don't like it.They never did.These kids lived in the hood for a while, they know what weapons are used for there.
The murder of my Daughter is how I got into this sport. I used to be an avid competitor in USPSA , IPSC in pistol and Tactical shooting matches using an AR platform in Rifle and have for the past 30 years. I cant seem to bring my self into competing in those sports anymore because what we practice is killing many people as fast as you can.The targets mostly are body shaped with score rings for heart and head shots.
Since I dont want to do that anymore but still want to compete? Now all I am doing is poking small holes in a piece of paper.I feel OK doing that.
Sort of.
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Concerning the kids? There is a 9 year old girl, 2 boys ages 5 and 4.

Now all I am doing is poking small holes in a piece of paper.I feel OK doing that.
Sort of.

Lager, I can't fathom the depth of your grief; however, yesterday, I was with three little ones who are basically the same ages as your little ones, and I can fathom the joy they bring to "the table." Enjoy 'em, and enjoy poking small holes in the paper. :)
The Savage is not a match grade rifle. I have owned two. I have also owned a Kimber 82G and H&R 12. The 82 and 12 are mid level match rifles at best. Neither will shoot with an Anschutz 54. The Anschutz 54 two stage trigger is just superb. If you find a decent 54 make certain it has the two stage trigger. Another good rifle is the Walther KKM-UIT. I have one of those. It is on par with a 54. A true match grade rifle, Turbo/Shilen Ratchet, will cost $1,800+.

I have to agree withthis guy's accesment . I have a Kimber 82-G * and was told that the star model had the best barrel so I went with it. I have since learned that the 82-g is a entry level bench rest gun if used as such. The problem I have is if you break something on these guns you are hard put to find new parts of any kind . There are a few who make some after market parts but not enough to fix a major problem. The trigger is a problem with these guns,never been able to get mine down to the 2oz trigger pull I needed. The factory barrel is as has been started a hit or miss. Sometimes a a crown job will help and often a compitition barrel is the answer. The 82 G * I have is setting in my gun safe unused and my go to bench rest gun is a Remington 40X. I hope this has been a help to you. garrisone
fwiw - my best benchrest score was with my Kimber 82g. I haven't been able to match it with the 40X.... yet. ;-)

edit: One winter project is putting the 40X in a Stith benchrest stock and add a tuner. I'm already looking forward to seeing how it shoots next season.
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Gotta love folks opinions.Kimber vs 40X.
Guess it comes down to the individual rifle and what they are confident with?
There is a gent in my club that has a 82G for sale, he wants $590 for it.
I just got back from the range tonight where I shot 4 cards of 25 that have a 1/2 inch 10 ring.
I scored a 988 with 28 X using my Savage. Im learning and getting better each practice.
But, I think thats pretty darn good for a beginner and a $350 gun.
So, do you think I could actually improve that by using a Kimber G ? The 40X seems to be out of my price range, lets not even talk about an Anshutcz.
Lets talk trigger pull weight.
A two ounce trigger is whats needed or wanted? Obviously your skill level far surpasses mine if that light of a trigger will improve your scores using a sporter rifle.
I reduced mine from 3 lbs down to about 1.5 using the accutrigger, didn't do a darn thing for me.
Not saying it wont help you out? Guess Im not skilled enough to see the difference.
Good suggestions from everyone. Really appreciate it.

About whether putting pressure on the buttstock is a good or bad thing: it all depends on the gun. Right now I'm shooting a full-blown Suhl Benchrest gun and I'll tell you, it doesn't matter whether I'm using my $900.00 customized Hall One-Piece rest, or my $1000.00 customized Randolph Machine Two-Piece set-up, I still find that if I don't lean right into the gun I'm throwing shots all the time, and sometimes for as much as 2 points per shot. But, when I pay attention and remember to lean in they all basically stay within the 10-Ring.

Now, with the Suhl I had before this one, which was pretty much the same gun, only different, I only needed to put enough pressure against the Butt to be able to barely feel the gun through my clothing. And with that gun it wasn't a matter of whether I was shooting 9's or 10's, but rather if they were 10's or X's. Yup, that was the gun that got away and I should have never agreed to sell her. My best Agg when shooting IR 50/50 Unlimited was a 748-55X with the second and third targets being back-to-back 250's with each having at least 20X's. It didn't take long to realize what I fool I was!

Anyway, good luck, and enjoy your learning experience as you figure out what your gun likes.

Dave Shattuck

P.S. I too started out shooting Benchrest with a Model 82G, and loved it so much I still have it, and only have good things to say about its potential. I just can't bring myself to part with it even though I've been offered good money for it. Maybe now I'm once again showing my foolishness?
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Hey Dave, Thanks for the advise.
I wasnt sure if I should continue adding some pressure or try and make something else work by letting the rifle free float.
Mine seems to work best with me lining up the sight on the 8 ring line, then adding some pressure downwards using my right thumb on top of the stock to bring the dot into the cross hairs then add some shoulder pressure.
Wheew, long sentence? But this seems to work best for me.
Just received my Wolf Match Extra ammo by UPS. Hoping this will help with those stray shots that you can never explain or understand.
Learning curve, stray shots, rifle bore cool down. With my particular poison if I wait too long for a condition I have to pull off target pop one in the berm and then swing back to target. This is not ammo specific for me as either black box or center-x responds the same. It only took me 4 seasons to figure that little hick up out.
Isn't this game fun??? When look for perfection we continually run into those hick-ups. The trick is to figure out what's causing them and what we need to do to get around them. Kind of like being married, isn't it.

Where do you shoot

Thinking about up grading from my Savage MK2 with out upsetting the wife too much.
Been reading some good things about the Kimber Rifles.
The Model 82G is affordable, was just wondering if its actually an up grade from my Savage or Im just wishing?

Lager : Where do you shoot? What club or group do you shoot with? garrisone.
Blades, when you are referring to a condition? Im guessing you shoot out doors and are talking about wind?
Why Im guessing in that direction is that Ive been able to talk to a couple of comp shooters and they have stressed shot cadence. They claim that rounds thru the bore at a certain time helps keep the bore temp the same from shot to shot.
Is this what you are talking about or is it just a mental quirk that just wants you to shoot at something? LOL
Member Dave,funny you should mention that?
Yeah, its a LOT like that. Except a chunk of steel and wood will almost always act the same with slight deviations.But being married to a female is kinda different? Just when we think we have it figured out, they change the target and it at a different distance .