Just for something to do

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I mads a few oddball cases today. I decided to make a large primer PPC case and some Large primer BR cases. The PPC case was pretty easy. I just took a Winchester 7.62X39 and ran it into a full length PPC die. I don't have the tools to turn PPC necks but will make a few more and go to a friend's house to turn them. I looked around at the odball cases I had and found a 35 Rem caes. It has a thin wall so I crunched it into my 30 BR full length die. I then remembered I had a bag of new Rem 300 Savage cases. I took three of them and ran them into the 30 BR die. Next I cut the LONG necks off and turned them. I will shoot them over the crono and then see how they act on paper.

The 35 rem would be a good case to make them from if a peron wanted to be "Different". The 300 Savage cases are also thin enough to work with. Made me wonder why there hasn't been an HBR case made from a 35 Rem case. :confused:
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Hey Pete:
Did you check the case head diameter on the .35 Remington??Sort of an odd-ball sizewise. And when you find out that the brass is so-so what do you make it out of??

Mike Swartz
I did notice

Hey Pete:
Did you check the case head diameter on the .35 Remington??Sort of an odd-ball sizewise. And when you find out that the brass is so-so what do you make it out of??

Mike Swartz

the case head was a different size but wouldn't that make someone even more interested in doing something with it? What do you mean by so-so?
They seem to make

But the 300Sav is a good case.

Not as FINE as the 6.5X47L case :D but good.


good 30 BR cases. I'll bet the Winchester 300 Savage will be good as well. Once they are fired some they get quite hard in the body. Probasbly they could be first cut off and carefully annealed though. I'm just trying to be prepared for when I can't afford "The Good Stuff" any longer :D
35 Remington

Had a guy here in Pa who shot Varmint Hunter for years with the 35 Remington. He said he could use it with the PPC bolt face.
Paul Ryan
How about a .22.............

.22/35 Imp, w/65 degree shoulders, like the old WWH cartridges????? :D:D That ought to tie up many'a sleepless night, huh?;)

Hey Pete:
Did you check the case head diameter on the .35 Remington??Sort of an odd-ball sizewise. And when you find out that the brass is so-so what do you make it out of??

Mike Swartz

BVefore you go calling the 35 Rem an odd cartridge, look up the parent cartridge. It started out as a 30-06. What is odd about that? Seems a lot of "enemies of the stste" fell to that one. Do your homework.!.!.!

Years ago I had 200 7BR cases made with large primers they worked as well as the Remington case made to form into BR cases. This was before BR cases were a factory case they were all made your own.
The Question may be

good 30 BR cases. I'm just trying to be prepared for when I can't afford "The Good Stuff" any longer :D

The availabilityof the "Good Stuff", primers or brass. I have sufficient LRP's. I am running low on SRP's. I also have old Lapua 308 Win brass to make 30 BR cases from. This get us back more or less to 308 X 1.5, which I believe is the parent case of 30 BR. The change to the SRP was to improve accuracy. For those who remember, or have access to info from the "way way back". What was the accuracy gain from using SRP's as opposed to LRP's? I know the change is "Gospel" but what are the numbers? I like Pete may make LRP 30 BR cases. I will shoot them in a rechambered Hart barrel that I have, and was going to use for a FF and mess around rifle. I would think that with the primer change that the best powders might change too.

Jeffrey Tooker
. . Made me wonder why there hasn't been an HBR case made from a 35 Rem case. :confused:


There has been. It's called the 30 SFG. Named for Shinkle, Fritz, and Goscinminski, three old timers in shooting.

The 300 Savage case is the basis for quite a few wildcat cartridges, both competition and otherwise.

You'll have to look far and wide to find a case that hasn't been used as the basis for an HBR cartridge.


The 35 Remington wasn't based on the 'o6. It was introduced the same year (1906) for the new Remington semi-auto rifles.

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30/35 Rem

Is the basis for the 6.8 SPC isn't it ? Correct me if I'm wrong. If I remember the 30 Rem was made to equal the 30-30 balistics in a model 8 vs lever for the 30-30. The head dia. is .421 for both the 30 Rem and the 6.8SPC though the 6.8 is 1.686 in case length and the 30 Rem is 2.05 in length
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The 35 Remington is a different case than the 30 Rem or 25 Rem. The smaller case head of the 25/30 Remington was the basis for several US Military experimental cartridges and is now used for the 6.8 SPC.

The 30 Remington is the 30-30 in a rimless case. In fact, some early 30 Remington cartridges were headstamped 30-30 REMINGTON. They are collector's items.

I have a friend that loves to tinker with wildcats. He has ordered enough 6.8SPC cases to get them with a small flash hole. He changes the shoulder angle a tad and necks them down to 22 and 20 cal. Makes his own bullets, even draws the 22 J4 cup down to 20 cal. Forgot what powder he shoots but it does shoot. I have seen some mighty small groups, even out to 600 yds. Main reason is he loves to tinker and likes something different. Reason enough for me.