"Junky” bullet measuring device


J Conley

"Juenke” bullet measuring device

Could someone help me out with some contact information on the”Juenke” bullet measuring device?
I guess the first thing I would need is the correct spelling of the device, then a phone number or email would be cool..
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It is Juenke.

Sadly, they are no longer being made. You'll have to find a used one. That shouldn't be too hard though, as many people have given up on them. I still use mine. Most of us feel it doesn't give a sort that meets the specific claims -- bullets that "fail" the Juenke print just as well on the target -- but it does give me a quick, useful sort for other bullet parameters.
Thanks Charles,
I edited my post now that I have the correct spelling. I have a friend looking for one. At least I can start the search with the correct name..
Thanks Charles,
I edited my post now that I have the correct spelling. I have a friend looking for one. At least I can start the search with the correct name..

From my experience, one will be well served by measuring the length of the Ogive Slope. That matters the most if one is depending on having consistent seating depths.
Jon, Vern Juenke's business contact:

The Accuracy Den
Reno, Nevada
(775) 345-0225

Not sure if he still makes/sells the units, though.

Good shootin'. -Al