JSB RS head sizes


New member
Howdy all, sure is quiet here lately. I've been working on a Benchmark tight rimfire barrel lately and was wondering if anyone knows of a source for .22 jsb pellets in head sizes greater than 5.52.
This barrel is the straightest barrel that I have ever worked on. No noticeable run-out on the lathe and the point of impact doesn't change with barrel indexing. Haven't had a chance to really test accuracy yet.
Dan the RSs are Light not 18.1 . I just E-Mailed JSB to ask what Head Size RSs they make. will post when Answer comes. Hope to see You at Holbrook next Month, anyone know what day/date it is.....Franky

If all goes as planned it should be the 1st since that's the first Saturday of the month. In other words, next weekend.

Thanks Franky. I haven't seen the 13.4g jsbs in any head size other than 5.52, it will be interesting to see JSBs response.
I hope to make the meet along with Daniel. He is anxious to try his marauder with the new regulator.
It is in the tank, requires no drilling, and can be adjusted in just a few minutes with a nickel.
Just finished a debounce device for the kid's marauder tonight, as well as an ldc. The HDD is incorporated in a four piece hammer design. I don't know if it will work, have fingers crossed.

Dan, no answer yet from JSB, maby Monday? Will post it if they answer then. Verrrrry intrested in Your Reg in Marauder Is it inside Tube like Vince Vangirven's or outside like "Tench" on BSAOG. Thank's Dan. See You Sat.....Franky

This month Holbrook will be Indoors, but Paul was saying that he's trying to work it out with the Club so next month we'll be able to start a couple of hours earlier and shoot the Outdoor range. Sounds good to me!

That regulator sure does sounds interesting indeed. My point of interest over the past few months has turned toward looking into IPAS (Iron Plate Action Shooting) using CO2 Pistols. Sounds like it's a ton of fun! Only problem is, I'd (we'd) need to buy the total set-up just to find out if I like it. The good news, for between $300 to $500, plus or minus, you can buy everything you'd need. Of course, as with anything you could run that up to a whole lot higher.

See you on Saturday,

Dan, still no reply yet, so I sent Link to this Thread to Owner of JSB. See You Guy's Sat. Dan Maby You should try H&N.....Franky
IPAS??? Sounds quite a bit like benchrest;) Where did that interest come from?
The reg is working well and the debounce hammer is working very well. About 22% more efficient with the hammer. He is now getting 73 shots at 900fps with cph before if falls off the reg.


This month Holbrook will be Indoors, but Paul was saying that he's trying to work it out with the Club so next month we'll be able to start a couple of hours earlier and shoot the Outdoor range. Sounds good to me!

That regulator sure does sounds interesting indeed. My point of interest over the past few months has turned toward looking into IPAS (Iron Plate Action Shooting) using CO2 Pistols. Sounds like it's a ton of fun! Only problem is, I'd (we'd) need to buy the total set-up just to find out if I like it. The good news, for between $300 to $500, plus or minus, you can buy everything you'd need. Of course, as with anything you could run that up to a whole lot higher.

See you on Saturday,


I've been reading about IPAS in Airgun World. Over the past several months they've had at least one article per magazine about it. At first it just seemed interesting, then the more I read the more I liked what I was reading. We'll see? Maybe I'll do it just as a backyard game for awhile and see what it's like. Of course, I'll have to buy everything before anything will happen, and there are still a couple of long guns I'd like to acquire.

We can talk about it on Saturday.

Dan 73 shots a CH under 20flb from Maurauder w/no Tube Extention,just a HDD, is that right. WOW WOW WOW.....Franky
It also has a regulator that I made, we have it set at 1600psi. I'll bring my prototype reg this Saturday for you guys to see. Maybe the kid won't mind taking his gun apart to show you the special hammer.
If it was .22 caliber it would no doubt get over 80 shots at 20fpe.

Dan 73 shots a CH under 20flb from Maurauder w/no Tube Extention,just a HDD, is that right. WOW WOW WOW.....Franky