Job Opportunity in Industry.


Middle aged member
Hopefully Wilbur wont mind this, but here is a chance for someone to be a part of the firearm industry:

Needed: Person for assembly work.

Stiller’s Precision Firearms is a rapidly growing small business in the Dallas TX suburb of Wylie. It has a small friendly work atmosphere and is need of a person for assembly, clean up and quality control of our parts. We mostly build bolt action receivers for the high end aftermarket rifle industry.

Skills Needed:

Mechanical ability to assembly small parts such as pins, springs, etc together using tooling designed for the job and small hammers, punches etc. Most parts are less than an inch in size and require small to medium amounts of hand strength and high dexterity. In general, 40% of the time will be spent doing these types of tasks. Tasks to include installation and verification of extractors, ejectors, bolt stops, firing pin assembly etc.

Ability to debur, abrasive blast and do some sanding with belt type of polishers. Lots of our parts are built, fit together and then the surfaces are processed. This most of the time requires the part to be either hand or tumble deburred, bead blasted and then parts will be polished. The polished part will be to be consistent looking. 30% time will be spent doing this type of task. Main talks are bolt and body cleanup after heat treatment and bolt cosmetic work.

Parts are hand mated and fit and require some hand lapping. This process is very simple, but repetitive. In general, 10% of the time will be spent doing these types of tasks. Main task here is bolt lug lapping.

Some parts are sent out for processing. Careful packing and unpacking of the parts will be required. Quality control of incoming parts will also be done at this time. In general, 10% of the time will be spent doing these types of tasks. Main task is bolt packing for processing.

Miscellaneous tasks such as manufacturing, machine work, clean up, and any other help required in a small business that are not out of the ordinary. In general, 10% of the time will be spent doing these types of tasks. Possible tasks are operating CNC machines, sweeping floors, pick up of material, unloading deliveries etc etc.

Salary: $12 to $18 depending on experience. No health benefits are available. Salary to increase with time, profit sharing opportunities.

Contact: Jerry Stiller,, 972-429-5000
Wish I was younger. Sounds like a great oppertunity to get started with such a prominent Manufacturer.

That sounds like a great opportunity for a person wanting to be exposed to a wide variety of of "how things work". What you do at Stiller Precision Firearms really covers a lot of different manufacturing procedures.

The health care thing might be a issue, we are closly watching it at our Shop. We currently offer a full benefit package to all employs, but we have no idea how things are going to change with the Federal Health Care plan that looks like will pass. As a business owner, I wish I did not have to put up with the hassle of furnishing a health care plan, but in order to keep our men, we have too.

I hope your efforts will be rewarded by finding a good employee........jackie
Wish I was way closer to Texas instead of being in the biggest unemployment waiting room in the country (MI).:mad: