JJ versus Sinclair Competition Rests


I will soon be purchasing a new front rest either a JJ or one of the Sinclair Competition rests. I have performed searches on this website and others and for the most part the majority of comments are favorable about both rests. I have noted comments the JJ is a bit more "refined" however there is an approximate price difference of $300 between the two rests - does not seem like "refined" in this case is worth $300. Opinions are appreciated.

I will be using the rest for various type of varmint shoots and 600 yard (maybe 1000 also) competition with a 17 pound light gun.

Well, this won't help I guess, but you asked for opinions... At $650, I'd say the Sinclair Competition rest is about $300 too high, too. Even the Hart is $300 these days, without a top.

I don't know if you can get a Wichita pedestal, but they were great with their 1-inch center stem.

At the prices people are asking now, you can probably build just what you want for less money, though not as pretty. If money's no object, just buy what you want. By in large, a pedestal is a pedestal, leaving the top. There are aftermarket tops for just about everything these days, and yeah, we've built them too. Essentially, the rear rest for a 1K Heavy Gun is just another adjustable windage top on a plate.

Rimfire may have special requirements; I believe that was what the JJ was designed to address. I just shoot RF at the club level, but have never felt at a disadvantage with a Hart Pedestal & the old Hohen top; the combo was about $225 back in the mid-1990s, and I don't think inflation has grown that much -- just prices.

It doesn't take going to too many centerfire matches to see someone with an old Hart or Witichta pedestal and a plain top, squeezing the rear bag, and beating everyone else on the line. As age creeps in & does its work, squeezing the rear bag gets painful over a day's shooting. With the graying of benchrest, more and more go to a joystick front top for that reason.
If you're not willing to pay the $950+ for the JJ don't even put it on your list. It's not for everyone. I went from a $200 rest to the JJ and never felt remorse for doing so. It was everything I was looking for ... and then some. I more than got my money's worth. It's built like a fine Swiss watch. Something I can pass down to my daughter or my sons and something they can pass down to theirs.
It's also worth checking the classifieds on this site and the "other guys" before taking the plunge........
If you like to turn dials then i think the JJ is the nicest on the market. I have tried several different rest and even though i prefure the joy stick, the JJ is awesome. No question. Very very smooth!! Lee