Jim Boettcher's Passing...

Guys and Gals,

It's with great sadness I must share the news of Jim Boettcher's passing last Tuesday... Jim was 86 years old and was in and out of the hospital over the last few months before succumbing to Phenomena.

Jim was a long-time top competitor from the Dayton, OH area. Jim staunchly supported all the Group matches and ranges in the NBRSA Eastern Region for many years. Jim spent much time helping many new Eastern Region shooter's, including myself, with his vast reloading knowledge and shooting skills. Jim had a unique "heads-up" shooting style that earned him many 2-Gun wins within our Eastern Region. He was a great man and a true friend to everyone in the Eastern Region...

Along with his trusty side-kick, Briar Hail, Jim's dry sense of humor and kept everyone around him in the loading areas constantly laughing with his many, many stories from his days as a commercial airline pilot.

Jim is survived by his long-time wife Mary.

Please keep Jim and Mary in all your prayers...

Rest in Peace, Jim... We'll be missing you!

Jack Neary

NBRSA Eastern Region, Director
Another old great passed...

Jim was one of my mentors when I started out in the game. He sponsored me when I joined as a member at Shelby Co. Deer Hunters, and was always enthusiastically helpful when I needed advice. He got me "in the click" when I wanted one of Warner Hail's much coveted bedding and paint jobs for a new BR rifle. RIP Jim.