Jewell Trigger problems

One thing I remember about that trigger was after all the deburring and polishing the pull weight came down from 1#10oz to 1#4oz with the same pull weight spring and screw setting.

I think adjusting pull weight by reducing drag so that the rifle fires with less effort over the same spring tension makes for a safer trigger than you would have if ya just backed the pull weight spring off to make it lighter.
Says a lot for taking them apart and polishing the insides of a Jewell, even on a hunting rifle.
What do you fellas use to polish your triggers?

I have used 4000 and 8000 grit waterstones that I otherwise use to sharpen chisels and wood plane blades, oilstones and also 600 grit silicon carbide sandpaper on a flat surface. All work fine. I don't polish off all the machining marks, but leave about half. Could be my imagination, but I think the remaining scratches may act as tiny reservoirs for lubrication.