Jewell Trigger in 40x Rimfire?


New member
Anyone here know the 40x Rimfire action well? I am wondering if there is any reason I cant run a Jewell BR700 trigger without bolt release in my 40x rimfire rifle?

Anyone here know the 40x Rimfire action well? I am wondering if there is any reason I cant run a Jewell BR700 trigger without bolt release in my 40x rimfire rifle?


YES you can. You will need a small flat blade screwdriver to depress the bolt release lever on the left side of the action. With the bolt all the way to the rear look in the left side and you will see it. Depress it and the bolt will move to the rear. It will stop when the locking lug engages the stop. Depress it again and remove the bolt. Some make a small tool instead of a screwdriver.
The small Buck pocket knife I usually carry makes a fine 40X bolt removal tool.
40X-40XR Rim Fire

The 721/722/600/660/673/XR-100/XP-100R/Seven/40X/40XR utilize a 3 pin trigger group/bolt release configuration.

A Jewell HVRTSXR-ABC trigger group is Top RH Safety w/ Seven Bolt Release Lever.

A Jewell HVRSBR-ABC trigger group is Bottom Safety that would need to be re-configured w/ a Seven Bolt Release.

My personal 40X's & 40XR's are set up with the above Jewell trigger groups.