Jesse Jackson



looks like he lost his chaplin of the senate position in the new obama presidency..2nd pick rev. al
Tome.............................................. ...............

Even if he cut off those big ears they would still be bed buddies!!:D:D:D
i wonder when people are going to wake up..his whole candiaticy is a farce...people can't be that dumb
Poor Ole Jesse

His days of shaking down corporations and being America's #1 "poverty pimp" are just about at an end.
I just wish Sen Obama had not accepted the so called "apology". I wish he would have told ole Jesse to go crawl back under the rock that he emerged from 40 years ago........jackie
Jackie............................................ .................

According to O'Reilly there's much more on the tape that Fox News wouldn't release....sounds like the "Black Mail" is in Fox's hands rather than Jesse' couldn't happen to a nicer guy!! The lib's chief race baiter!!:D:D:D
According to O'Reilly there's much more on the tape that Fox News wouldn't release....sounds like the "Black Mail" is in Fox's hands rather than Jesse' couldn't happen to a nicer guy!! The lib's chief race baiter!!:D:D:D

You can't mean Fox News wouldn't tell the whole truth??? :D :D :D :D
"d"............................................... ..................

Looks like they caught your democratic brother with his own big mouth!! :D:D:D
The fact of the matter is Jackson is right. Obama does talk down to black he does to everybody.
like i said..obama's presidential bid baised on his a total farce
Jackson is worth about 2 cents.

He's a loud mouth and causes trouble wherever he goes. Reminds me of someone else I know. ;)
Jackson Vs. truth

I predict that nothing at all will come of this. If, however, it had been said by someone on the right side of the spectrum, the furor wouldn't stop for months. That is one of my biggest complaints with left wingers. I have seen numerous times when a republican falls from grace, and is cut loose by the rest of the pack. I feel no compulsion to defend someone just because his politics are similar to my own, but democrats, including some who post here, seem to feel that it is their duty to defend whatever is done by a fellow traveler. Am I the only one who sees this? Jump on in Mr. D. and tell us how it is all right for the Rev. Jackson to say these things, or how such and such a republican did something similar, so, it's all right. Just my opinion as usual, Rusty Carr
Brad.............................................. ..................

you know what they say,"Birds of a feather flock together"....I see quite a bit of resemblance, don't you?? I wonder if he's got a "Love Child" out there somewhere??:eek::eek::eek:
The fact of the matter is Jackson is right. Obama does talk down to black he does to everybody.

Glad someone else noticed. This week I found out that Barak is embaressed for me for not speaking the languages of Europe when I vacation there and thinks its a good idea for my kids to be able to converse in Spanish..... Why the left cant see him for the elitist prick that he is , is beyond me?
Wouldn't it be refreshing.... have seen Jesse stick to his guns??

Say what you want about my boy least he has a pair and not afraid to leave his foot in his mouth & enjoy the crow most would have loved to see him wipe off:) Last I heard he refuses to apologize & JM is trying to do it for him.

you know what they say,"Birds of a feather flock together"....I see quite a bit of resemblance, don't you?? I wonder if he's got a "Love Child" out there somewhere??:eek::eek::eek:

It does make you wonder now don't it. :D
Glad someone else noticed. This week I found out that Barak is embaressed for me for not speaking the languages of Europe when I vacation there and thinks its a good idea for my kids to be able to converse in Spanish..... Why the left cant see him for the elitist prick that he is , is beyond me?

After all, they want us to go there and spend our money with them. Surprisingly, most of the French spoke quite good English when I was in Paris a few years ago.