Jackie or Cecil, Q 4 U


Since I know both of you guys have taken the all guts out of both the Leupold 36x and the newer Leupold Comp 45x, are the erector systems the same in them? How 'bout the VXIII Long range scopes?

I heard someone at the range today comment that Leupold puts the same erector system in the 30mm tubes as they do the 1 inch tubes(giving double the travel of adjustment) and some other brands of scopes have different erectors in their 30mm tubes and therefore don't give as much travel on the adjustments. They also commented that the different erector in the 30 mm tube gave a better resolution and light transmission although I couldn't see any difference myself.
Last week I asked if the VXIII had been changed recently because Leupold are now claiming 90 MOA adjustment capability on it & I could have sworn it used to be less. I happened to look at the scope comparison on the 6BR site this morning & sure enough, they quoted only 72 MOA adjustment back when that article was written.

I did check a bit further & the comp scopes still claim only 40 MOA, same as before. However, that's a bit less than the 1" tube weaver 36, for example, whatever meaning you can draw from that.
Good Grouper

I have been outand about, (shooting) most of the week end, and just saw this post.
The erector tube assy in the 3xx and Competition Series is not the same. The 36x have a erector tube that pivots on a small spericasl register that is machined into the scope body, and is held in place by a force transferred from a spanner nut through the reticle cage and a wave spring.
The competition Series has a assy similiar to the Japanese design scopes, that being a large gimble ball and socket joint that is encases in an assy that is held inside the scopes tube.
Many say that the Competition Series scopes have better resolution than the earlier 36x offerrings, but I'll be darned if I can see it. I would think that resolution is a product of lens quality, and precision focul length. Both are really quite good in both scopes.
As for the travel, (moa thing), who cares about that in 100-200 yard Benchrest. Nothing has changed in the past couple of years. The only thing that still counts is a scopes ability to hold Point of Aim 100 percent, with out that ability, a scope is 100 percent useless to us.........jackie

You’re not quite right in how the competition series is assembled.

They are quite a bit different than the 36X scopes and they do use a different erector tube that is quite a bit larger than the 36X tube. But they aren't assembled like the Japanese design at all.

The comp series scopes have a sleeve installed inside them. This sleeve carries the flat spring that applies pressure to the adjustment knobs and is located by a shoulder inside the scope tube. The ball end of the erector tube sits against a mating surface in this sleeve.

The sleeve is held in place by some retaining compound and the erector tube is held against a mating seating surface in the sleeve by a wave spring and retaining nut.

the ball socket is not encased in an assembly like the universal Japanese design.

Ok, so the 36x and the Comps don't have the same erector system. But the Comps are a 30 mm tube and only give 40 MOA. The VXIII Long range series have 30 mm tubes and give 90 MOA. So would anything other than power cause this?
I realize that adjustment travel is not important in short range benchrest but I do both short and long range and that is partly why I'm asking. The other part is because this fellow at the range was trying to make it sound like the reason why his scope was superior to a Leupold was because his scope had guts that were designed for a 30mm tube and Leupold's guts were the same in both their 30mm and 1" tubes. However, I am like you Jackie. I couldn't see any difference between his 30mm scope and my 30 mm Leupold as far as resolution goes. They both looked good only mine had double the MOA travel as his. Any thoughts?
Good Grouper

From what you could gather from both mine and Gene's post, you can feel assured that the guts in a 36x Leupold are quite a bit different than those in a Leupold Comp Series.........jackie
From what you could gather from both mine and Gene's post, you can feel assured that the guts in a 36x Leupold are quite a bit different than those in a Leupold Comp Series.........jackie

I am much assured. Thanks Jackie and Gene.

So any idea why the 30mm tube in the Comp series gives 40 MOA adjustment and the 30mm tube in the VXIII Long range series gives more than double that amount?
Good Grouper

I am going to assume that the vast majority of scopes achieve POA change by moving the erector tube on one end, and having it pivot on the other. So, the only explanation I would have is that the erector tube simply does not move as much. Probably because it finally bottoms out on the abutments on the adjustment knobs. Or maybe the end of th erector tube finally hits the scope body inside.
In scopes, they cram a lot of parts into a limited area. I guess to get more adjusment, they have to make the internals smaller so as to gain more travel.........jackie