Jackie chambering depth question?


Kirk Ethridge


when you are chambering your ppcs how deep are you going with respect to your go gauge?

I've been chambering dead on with my go gauge (this gauge came from Dave Kiff years ago with my first 6ppc reamer). I assume you go a bit deeper in order to use your pet 30.5grains of 133 load?

How far up the neck does your pet load show? is it a compressed load or not?

I am going to deepen my chambers a bit so i can use a bit more powder. I am just not sure how far over the go to start? Also how far over did you go on the beggs chamber?

Thanks much!!!


when you are chambering your ppcs how deep are you going with respect to your go gauge?

I've been chambering dead on with my go gauge (this gauge came from Dave Kiff years ago with my first 6ppc reamer). I assume you go a bit deeper in order to use your pet 30.5grains of 133 load?

How far up the neck does your pet load show? is it a compressed load or not?

I am going to deepen my chambers a bit so i can use a bit more powder. I am just not sure how far over the go to start? Also how far over did you go on the beggs chamber?

Thanks much!!!


Kirk, I don't know about Jackie, but I set my headspace with a Kiff go gage just as you do, right on the number. I have no problem getting 30.5grs. of 133 in the case, it is a compressed load, and it takes a real slow trickle to get it in there.
My chambers are whatever Kelbly cut them to.

Like Hal said, 30.5 (I use 30.4) grains will fit in the case but you need a drop tube and a slow trickle to get it in. Settled in the case the right way the powder will be about half way up the neck, just dumped in it will spill over the top of the neck !!

I played around with drop tube and sprinkling the powder in and done right you can fit about 31 grains in and still have room for a bullet, not that I am suggesting you do that !!!

I would be hard pressed to believe that .005 deeper will make a noticeable differende in powder capacity. That would be the aproximate difference between go and no go.

JIm Carstensen

Years ago, I made my own headspace gage, and it is within .001 to .002 of a "factory" gage. In other words, my chambers are pretty close to "standard, if there is such an animal.
I use an 8 inch drop tube, and a very slow trickle to get that load in. Sometimes I have to dump a case and re-do it because the case is too full..........jackie