Jackie a few questions on your chambering methods ...


New member
First I cannot thank you enough for your contribution of knowledge that you have spent typing in here. Ive scoured over the old forums on chambering and have spent more time than ide like to admit studying your excellent thread on chambering.(Im a Mechanic by trade and could never imagine hanging around forums writing manuals on repair for people). I give you a lot of credit! (all of you machinists and gunsmiths.)
Anyways here goes:
The the barrel through the spindle,the alignment ring and the jaws of the chuck right on the barrel has me going....
The start of the thread indicated (not shown) that the chamber end has the alignment ring installed while you were working on the muzzle end. So I assume you more than likely really indicated the chamber end and machined a small area to fit the ring first ?(chicken or egg thing) How does the ring stay on ? (set screw or just a snug fit)
The ring looks like it would not allow the barrel to pivot (OD looks flat not sure about ID), Guessing that it would not need to pivot being that there is no possible (Axial ? movement) due to the jaws of the chuck directly on the barrel . (I do understand the Buck chuck for Radial? adjustment)
"If" this is the case the ring just keeps the barrel from flipping around. The alignment really depends on the OD of the barrel in relation to the bore and the bore is really being indicated only at the throat. I understand "so I read" the error is super small within the first 4-6in of bore to OD. I hope im grasping this because it would make life easier .
On the other hand if the Ring was rounded (a radius small contact point)on the ID where it held the barrel it could pivot and if the jaws held the barrel with something similar (round like wire) it could also pivot.
Please Forgive me if I come off bad I Just trying to understand these concepts.

Even though the ring appears to be flat, it actually has a slight "barrel shape" to it. The reason is exactly as you noted, it does allow the barrel to pivot ever so slightly as I true the other end up with the buck chuck.

Thanks for the kind words. Once you get past much of the "bluster" that does seem to permiate web sites, there is a wealth of information that can be garnered from Benchrest.com.......jackie