J4 Jacket News

Eric Stecker

New member
Due to the rapidly increasing demand for bullets that we believe is in part a result of the recent election we have decided to discontinue 21 bullets that are slow movers. This will free up machine time for more popular bullets and new bullets that we plan on making. Many of these discontinued bullets were made with jackets that are not used to make any other bullet. As a result these jackets will be discontinued as well. The list of these jackets is below.

As of Monday 11-19-12 we will no longer accept orders for the discontinued bullets. Over the following days we will sort out how many jackets we will need to make the bullets that are ordered. After this is resolved we will know how many of the discontinued jackets we will have in stock. At that time I will announce which jackets (and quantities) will be available for purchase. Once these jackets are sold they will no longer be available unless an order for 100,000 or more is placed.

17 cal .500 long
17 cal .635 long

20 cal .525 long
20 cal .810 long

6mm .750 long
6mm 1.100 long Thick

25 cal .940 long

30 cal 1.080 long

We are not accepting new orders for these jackets if there is no stock available. You are welcome to place an order but if no jackets are available after the discontinued bullet orders are resolved or if the amount of jackets ordered isn't more than 100,000 the jacket order will be cancelled. We simply won't have machine time available to make them in smaller quantities.

It is important to note that we also discontinued the bullet that is made using the 30 cal 1.000 long jacket. In this case, the jacket will not be discontinued because so many of these jackets are used by other bullet makers. It is our desire to keep the other bullet makers supplied and even though a few people use the jackets listed above, the total number for all of them combined is far less than the amount of 30 cal 1.000 long that are used.

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Eric If one of your 30 cal bullets is the 190 VLD Tom Kenyon one of the Founding Fathers at the Williamsport 1000 yard club is going to be very disappointed in you, he has been shooting some great groups and winning a lot of shoot off's with these bullets. Would be real nice if you could send him a 1000 or so that way he will make you guys look good next year also!

Joe Salt
Joe--There is a listing on the 6br site. One of them is a 190 VLD Match Target. Good hunting Joe.
The 30 cal 190 gr VLD Target has two strong alternative options. The first is the 30 cal 185 gr VLD Target which is the same in every way except it is 5 gr lighter. We sell the 185 gr VLD Target at a 15:1 ratio over the 190 gr VLD Target. I'm not sure why but this is one of the reasons that the 190 gr VLD Target is on the discontinued list. The other alternative is the 30 cal 190 gr VLD Hunting which is the original VLD that we started making several decades ago.

Their is also the option of the new 30 cal 185 gr Hybrid Target which has the same BC as the 190 gr VLD Target and 5 gr lighter can potentially give you more velocity. This bullet is a different shape so keep this in mind.

Another thing to consider is, as long as we have the tooling, we can make any discontinued bullet in quantities of 10,000 or more. The jacket used to make the 190 gr VLD Target is used to make other bullets so it will be available. It is important to note that special orders such as these must be prepaid before we make the bullets.

This is a very difficult situation and we are doing our best to satisfy the most people as much as we possibly can. It is, of course, impossible to make everyone happy but I can assure you that none of these changes are taken lightly. They are thoroughly reviewed to determine that it is genuinely beneficial to make these changes.

Dan thanks I seen that on 6BR. and I'm still trying to get a nice 8 point I have with the BOW I'd rather not shoot him with a gun even though gun season is opened. Hope to see you next year God willing!

Eric: I've been seeing a lot of people at the gun shops, I also went out and bought a case of 22 cal rimfires and a case of slugs, and another 8lb of H-4350 plus 5000 more primers. And I thought I was the crazy one!
We'll all know by next shooting season whether they pass the UN. arms treaty. Still say the election was fixed can't be that many people with there heads in the sand or you know were.
Eric I told Tom to have Dan order more for him, I'll also tell him about the 185 VLD and the 190 VLD hunting bullets. Keep making the great bullet and send Brian Litz to the next World Open this July, I want to see if I can still beat him like I did at the 2000 WO. I still have the paper.

Joe Salt
When the dust settles and we know which jackets are left we will fill the orders and I'll announce which jackets remain and in what quantities. At this time there is no plan to discount these jackets. They are the same match grade jackets we've been making all along and their cost hasn't changed.

This doesn't mean that I am against negotiating a situation if someone is interested in taking all or a significant quantity of a given jacket off our hands. Frankly, if 6 months or so down the road we have discontinued jackets that are collecting dust then we will consider offering them at a discount to see if we can keep them out of the scrap bin.

I'll predict that the jackets that don't sell out in the next week or two will eventually end up in the scrap bin. Keep in mind that the jackets that are on this list are the least popular jackets we make.

Regarding the 30 cal 1.080 long, a quick check of our inventory shows just over 70,000 in stock of lot 2796. This lot was made in August of 2010. There are a few orders that will ship soon but I suspect that there will be plenty left over if you want to get some.

The dust has settled and we have a list of the discontinued jackets that are still in stock after all orders are resolved. They are:

26,588 - 17 cal .500 long
51,170 - 17 cal .635 long

126,480 - 20 cal .525 long
109,400 - 20 cal .810 long

28,928 - 6mm .750 long
88,440 - 6mm 1.100 long Thick

79,332 - 25 cal .940 long

38,377 - 6.5mm 1.050 long

67,709 - 30 cal 1.080 long

These numbers are accurate as of 8:00 AM PST on 12-7-12. The quantity available can change at any moment. We will consider discounts for anyone who wants to purchase all of the remaining jackets within a given size.

If you want to order jackets please contact Andrea Cobos at andrea.cobos@bergerbullets.com or at 714-447-5427.

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