It's starting


New member
The Winter duldrums have started. Between the posts of Bill( Kathy ) bashing
the 40X and him not remembering. What ammo to buy or what to finish a stock with. I still haven't seen any on the cleaning rod
issue and what rest to buy. I see this is still going to be a long winter.:eek:
You are right Lew, I think it comes from boredom. At least once the season starts we will get some meat to the posts such as who is wiping lube and oiling thier bullets, pushing plugs, scoring thier own targets and downright cheating.

Lew, youre hands aren't exactly clean.....I think I heard you say you wouldn't own a Gorgenschynuten action because they were junk, especially with the new no grove aint-so-straight file ground barrel. WHATS WITH THAT LEW?

Well Charlie your right. But the barrel issue shouldn't be confused with my new super accurate project "The Camo Cricket Bug Hole Gun" this project will get top gunsmiths involved and top stuff done to it will keep all posted on progress.:D
I was thinking it was almost over....

Winter is over; what does Punxsutawney Phil know anyway. To counteract his Saturday prediction of 6 more weeks of winter, I whipped up two batches of varmint stew and some spring tonic (sassafras tea) for the crew's lunch at work today. With a little rice and French bread, we celebrated the end of winter. It must be working too, the high today was 73. No stupid whistle pig is going to delay Spring.

You are right Lew, I think it comes from boredom. At least once the season starts we will get some meat to the posts such as who is wiping lube and oiling thier bullets, pushing plugs, scoring thier own targets and downright cheating.

Lew, youre hands aren't exactly clean.....I think I heard you say you wouldn't own a Gorgenschynuten action because they were junk, especially with the new no grove aint-so-straight file ground barrel. WHATS WITH THAT LEW?


Old man Gorgenschynuten made better ones than the kid[Hans]does.
Now its really in full swing. Bill C. has removed a post. Why???? Barrell for project can't decided a 1,2 3, 4,5 6, grove 12,13,14,15,16,17 twist or smooth. Stainless, Chrome Molly, tension type. Trigger, keep same or have a custom hanger made. Chamber who knows as what ammo to use probally CCI or Anguila supersonic. Yea thats the ticket. OH someone tell me what the best is so I can spend my tax return and free govt. money.:eek::D
I was thinking it was almost over....

Well the ground hog sees his shadow and there is 6 more weeks of winter... If he does not spring is right around the corner, about a month and a half! :D