islamofascists come to Europe!

Jerry, no offense taken. As I noted, I don't think all Muslim's are bad people, just the opposite actually. But these passages are preached by the Radical Muslims, every day. Whether you or I feel these things are taken out of context or not, matters little. These people preach hate, and use the Qu'ran to do it. I'd love to stay out of their affairs, but the Good Muslim's don't seem to be willing to take their religion back from these savages. If we simply bail, they will, as they have long before the last 2, or 3, or 4, presidents took office, bring it to our shores.
Jerry, no offense taken. As I noted, I don't think all Muslim's are bad people, just the opposite actually. But these passages are preached by the Radical Muslims, every day. Whether you or I feel these things are taken out of context or not, matters little. These people preach hate, and use the Qu'ran to do it. I'd love to stay out of their affairs, but the Good Muslim's don't seem to be willing to take their religion back from these savages. If we simply bail, they will, as they have long before the last 2, or 3, or 4, presidents took office, bring it to our shores.

Hal, as a distraction to all this, I recently tried some of the SRM Wolfs in a bolt that the spring measures 18# and I got better than 1 in 5 misfires. Changed to a 22# spring, same action, same bolt, same brass, same load and got 100% ignition out of 50 loads.

Oops. I said no more involvement in this thread buy my email said you had just posted so...

Jerry, no offense taken. As I noted, I don't think all Muslim's are bad people, just the opposite actually. But these passages are preached by the Radical Muslims, every day. Whether you or I feel these things are taken out of context or not, matters little. These people preach hate, and use the Qu'ran to do it. I'd love to stay out of their affairs, but the Good Muslim's don't seem to be willing to take their religion back from these savages. If we simply bail, they will, as they have long before the last 2, or 3, or 4, presidents took office, bring it to our shores.

Hal, Have you ever heard the Marines Hymn?
" From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;"
The US has had some sorta problem with islamofascists for a long time. And the rest of the world.
The radicals are already here. they have been here a long time.
Why don't they police themselves

I have often wondered why Islam allows terrorism to flourish in its midst. Why do these 1.6 billion not put a stop to it? Apart from a few voices condemning terrorism the silence of the Ummah is deafening on this subject. I would recommend a book called Catastrophic Failure by Stephen Coughlin. Be warned it is rather dense but seems well researched. I would classify it as anti-Islamic but at least it presents a logical, historical context for the state of today's Islamic terrorist and the Muslim's world reaction to him. Tim
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What I have never understood is the mindset of not just the Muslim entrants to this country, but the Hispanic, Asian, and African ones also. They come to the US of A to get educated to bring back to their country some advancement in knowledge in many different fields but never go back. Then want this country to assimilate to their culture that drove them out in the first place.
If they had any balls, they would return and drive change in their homeland that they are so proud of.

As far as the Muslim culture, I have seen very little assimilation here in the states, I bet that they don't in other countries as well. And the lack of speaking out against radicals of their religion shows no guts at all.

I also remember watching a news report on Sept. 12th of 2001 of Muslims dancing in the street in a New Jersey neighborhood that was primarily Muslim. That did not sit well with me and a few others that saw it. It was quickly taken off the air and web.

If the current administration does not change it's mindset regarding ISIS, people will get fed up after another attack on this country. Some will decide that it is open season on them. I also predict that a few other nationalities will be thrown in also.
I pray that it does not come to this, but I do listen to people and the indications are there.

My 2 cents worth....

My wife and I have a streaming stick that allows programs to be watched on the TV. PBS has a free station. If you want to know more about ISIS, watch ISIS in Afghanistan on Frontline, November 17, 2015.

You may be able to view it on the Internet through your computer.

I started to quote what the teachers were telling the young children in the village school, but I decided to let people see and hear for themselves.

The journalist asked an ISIS leader, "What is your aim?" "We want the Islamic system all over the world, and we will fight for it."
A possible explanation to Tim Oltersdorf's question.

EH! too far back. Bill Gammon and Jerry can only remember The Great War for Independence. Pick on WW1 or WW2. EH!
Try 1801 for no other reason than the Barbary Pirates were kidnapping everyone. It was called Tribute. Everyone had to pay.
They got this from the French. Yep. At Agincourt the French Nobles were more concerned with kidnapping than winning a battle. It's called the "Custer syndrome". Same. Same......Custer was trying to surround the women and kids. Push the Men back on the RES.
200 Troops trying to surround a butch of woman and kids....HA HA!!!
islamofascists come to Europe

Yes and it,s Bush the seconds fault according to some of the press':D

Really it got worse in the Carter presidency another lame duck Pres that did nothing about the hostage situation until later and it failed"

That said he Jammy Carter the many from Plains GA set into stagflation and screwing up the economy .

He and OBAMA have alot in common. Both screw ups.
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Islam will take over a lot of countries without firing a shot, birth rate alone will do it. In 5 or 6 generations in some countries of EU, the dominant religion will be Islam.