Isaac Mock's first deer.

James M.

New member
Although I thought that my deer hunting days were over, I did carry my 10 year old grandson today. He used my 6 PPC with Bart's 68 gr. flatbase bullets....since I reasoned that he was not going to see anything. Well, at 6:00 PM a fine 5-point buck stepped out and he made a great 75 yard shot to anchor the buck and kill his first deer. He was a proud hunter...even after I bloodied his face. Today is a good day. James


  • 2014-10-19 21.jpg
    2014-10-19 21.jpg
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Great day indeed Mister Mock. What a story to tell his classmates. Of course you didn.t have much to too do with the hunt.
I don't think it gets any better than that. I still have the picture of my daughters first deer.
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Frst Deer

Although I thought that my deer hunting days were over, I did carry my 10 year old grandson today. He used my 6 PPC with Bart's 68 gr. flatbase bullets....since I reasoned that he was not going to see anything. Well, at 6:00 PM a fine 5-point buck stepped out and he made a great 75 yard shot to anchor the buck and kill his first deer. He was a proud hunter...even after I bloodied his face. Today is a good day. James

James: Know you are a proud Grand Pa. This is the kind of post I love to read and see the pictures. Your grandson will never forget the day. Hopefully he will pass on the same experience with his son and grandson and tell of his experience with his grandfather.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Nat Lambeth
Thanks all. It looks like that I may have to carry another grandson that has yet to bag a deer. Jonathan Tibbit (age 13) has been a few times with no luck. I may carry him this weekend to see if he can do as well as Isaac. I have been blessed with 7 grandsons (one 2, one 3, two in college and one graduated from college). I may run out of deer before I get one for all of them. Two of the older ones don't care for hunting too much and the two little ones are too maybe after I get Jonathan one, I can go back to retiring from deer hunting. James