Is there some center fire ///rim-fire rift???


New member
I get the Impression rim fire shooters are looked down upon by the centerfire guys.
I just started shooting club matches and shoot both. Whats the deal ?
Most center fire guys figure that they are better shooters than rimfire guys base on the group sizes they shoot....until they shoot a little rimfire and get their hats handed to them...

I'm not sure that there is a rift between the centerfire and rimfire shooters. I've shot both for more years than I'd like to admit and I haven't learned that much, but I've seen no friction between the two disciplines. Heck, even Tony Boyer, who is arguably the best centerfire BR shooter in the world is shooting rimfire matches. All of that PSL $ is not going to be safe for long.

Enjoy and don't believe what craziness you might see on the web. After all a bad day of shooting is better than a good day at work.

Joe Jarrell

I have never seen any rift between centerfire and rimfire br shooters. Alot of rimfire br shooters came from or still shoot centerfire br. Rimfire br was started by a centerfire shooter.
I really haven't seen a rift...but it is interesting when you tell someone, especially a non shooter that you shoot 22 benchrest and they ask, so when are you going to step up to high power?

I think any rift that rarely happens comes from someone who thinks just because they understand rimfire that the centerfire guys don't know what they are doing or vice versa.

A rift? Not in the Southeast IR 50/50 or ARA. You should have seen Tony B and some of the top rimfirers last Saturday at Kettlefoot for the VA State and ARA Mid Atlantic Regionals. Some very stiff competition but no rift for sure.

No "rift" at all.

Centerfire and rimfire competitors are quite a bit different in "culture" across the board. The difference is easily sensed but you can't put your finger on exactly what it is.
i work in a gunshop, and most centerfire guys i talk to don't want the ammo chase connected to rimfire....can't make up their own loads,so not interested
I came from short and long range centerfire. Started rimfire in 06 but BR in 07 and have to say, both sides have lots of questions about the other. I enjoy both, but the quiet nature of rimfire is very nice.
Most center fire guys figure that they are better shooters than rimfire guys base on the group sizes they shoot....until they shoot a little rimfire and get their hats handed to them...

Change out you're depends there Don you'll feel better in the morning.

Frankly since I shoot IBS group shoots as well I've never heard much other than some interest in trying .22 shooting.
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I shoot rimfire and I have a lot of friends who shoot 1000 yard and 600 yard CF and some 100 and 200 yard BR friends as well. As was said, we ask each others questions out of curiosity about the different shooting games, but certainly no rift as I can see. We're all shooters, whatever game we're shooting. I'm all for shooting, whatever game you choose. It helps promote and keep alive shooting for everyone, whatever your chosen sport.

There is no rift at all. We come from the same family. We each understand and respect the other.

I shoot rimfire benchrest only yet I am as excited about Jackie's new record as if I shot centerfire with him.

Concho Bill