Is there a better bag for Farley compact?


New member
I have become a little frustrated. I have a Farley compact and I feel the bag is a piece of ....... Does anyone make a better bag that would compliment the quality of the rest? I contacted Edgewood and they are not making anything yet. So do I have any other options?
I have become a little frustrated. I have a Farley compact and I feel the bag is a piece of ....... Does anyone make a better bag that would compliment the quality of the rest? I contacted Edgewood and they are not making anything yet. So do I have any other options?

I totally agree Keith. I made a new top for mine to accept a regular size bag. If I had known about the inferior top & bag I would never have purchased the Farley. IMO this really detracts from an otherwise nice product.
Farley carrying bags DO SUCK....... I've got one for a full-size and for a compact, neither are worth a hoot.
