Geees....! ........ I thought I noticed less then usual number of threads being started on a daily basis on the forums. What's going on? In spite of the new smaller print, I don't find the new format really THAT objectionable. (I simply grab my reading glasses)
I just peeked over at the "Benchrest" forum a couple of minutes ago to check the stats on the bottom of the page "Users Browsing This Forum" . It said: "7 users in this forum. 1 member and 6 guests" Yikes, I was the only member in there! And the whole day yesterday had just 4 posts.
Are some of you "guests" actually former members? Come on guys. It's not that difficult to sign back onto this place again (or for the first time), and become a full fledged participant. To help support this websight and keep it vibrant, you need to take 3 steenkin minutes to sign up. If I can do it, then so too can a caveman. And if you won't do it.....then you know what I think?; I think a lot of you "guests" are just users and lazy asses!!
Come on guys...we need you!!
(PS My fellow members; Maybe if I'm brash about it, I'll get them to sign up just so they can tell me off. )
I just peeked over at the "Benchrest" forum a couple of minutes ago to check the stats on the bottom of the page "Users Browsing This Forum" . It said: "7 users in this forum. 1 member and 6 guests" Yikes, I was the only member in there! And the whole day yesterday had just 4 posts.
Are some of you "guests" actually former members? Come on guys. It's not that difficult to sign back onto this place again (or for the first time), and become a full fledged participant. To help support this websight and keep it vibrant, you need to take 3 steenkin minutes to sign up. If I can do it, then so too can a caveman. And if you won't do it.....then you know what I think?; I think a lot of you "guests" are just users and lazy asses!!
Come on guys...we need you!!
(PS My fellow members; Maybe if I'm brash about it, I'll get them to sign up just so they can tell me off. )