Is it just me or has anybody else noticed....

Ah yes the little dome is a clue

or would it be called a little crater? I was bumping back some 30 BR's and just assumed/thought "dang these 30's sure take more pressure to bump than a 6mm", only took a hundred of'em to figure it out though. Now I have a hundred cratered and a hundred non cratered to keep sorted which of course adds to the challenge which is what we want, ---more of a challenge. See? Even loading 30 BR's can be made difficult if you work at it.

the nice people at Lapua would like to know about this. They seem to have acquired the market share they have by making a quality product. I know that I have made mistakes over the years and was always grateful for the opportunity to fix it and protect my reputation.
the nice people at Lapua would like to know about this. They seem to have acquired the market share they have by making a quality product. I know that I have made mistakes over the years and was always grateful for the opportunity to fix it and protect my reputation.
I'd mention it to them but don't quite know how to contact them.
I just sent an email to their customer service with a link to this thread, with a suggestion that they might want to read it.

I also noticed some difference with Lapua brass; in 220 Russian: two different groups of weight in one box (this happened before) but also a difference in the neck; I believe the necks spring back a lot more than in other lots of brass of Lapua: after neckturning and fireforming, the neck will not allow for a new bullet to enter it, luckily it shoots ok!
grtzz, Maarten

primerpockets were not correct, as were the flashholes.
at the rescent prices of these products, its a bad thing these faillures happen. but there are not a lot of options, are there?
.308 Lapus not up to expectations either

I just got a box of .308 Lapua. I was kinda surprised when I opened it. Not the same as Lapua I have had in the past. This looked like it had been shaken a lot as there were lots of scuff marks on the brass, some had dings on the necks, case mouths bent, and neck thickness varied between 1 and 2 thousandths. Flash holes looked ok, appeared to be drilled on center, and no burrs inside the flash hole. Certainly usable, but this Lapua did not look like it used to be it seems. I hate to say it but I miked some Winchester that miked better than this in regard to variences in neck thickness.
Speaking of necks. In a no turn neck at what point is it necessary to turn necks to clean it up necks. I can certainly live with a thousandth varience, but how much variance necssitates turning to clean up the necks. This would be for a no turn neck.

I just got a box of .308 Lapua. I was kinda surprised when I opened it. Not the same as Lapua I have had in the past. This looked like it had been shaken a lot as there were lots of scuff marks on the brass, some had dings on the necks, case mouths bent, and neck thickness varied between 1 and 2 thousandths. Flash holes looked ok, appeared to be drilled on center, and no burrs inside the flash hole. Certainly usable, but this Lapua did not look like it used to be it seems. I hate to say it but I miked some Winchester that miked better than this in regard to variences in neck thickness.
Speaking of necks. In a no turn neck at what point is it necessary to turn necks to clean it up necks. I can certainly live with a thousandth varience, but how much variance necssitates turning to clean up the necks. This would be for a no turn neck.

Lonnie, even though I ordered my 6 Beggs reamer with a no-turn (.272) neck I have found that I still had to turn the necks slightly. Actually, Jerry Dailey discovered it since I did his barrel before I did mine. He had a couple in his first loading that showed pressure signs. After cleaning up the necks all pressure signs went away. I have just finished 200 cases so should be good to go for this year.

I didn't take much off but noticed that there are some cases with a little place where no brass was cut. They all seem to be about about an area of 10 degrees and usually clean up .100 or so back of the case mouth. In othe words, the place that doesn't clean up at the very last is at the case mouth, not at the shoulder but there is only about 10 degrees on a few cases. Another 'tenth' off would probably clean it all up.