Is He?


His answers to all your questions are?

I really do not know, but when I am elected I will figure it out and let you know. Something like Ross Perot said in his failed bid for the Presidency. :eek:

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Yes McCain was handed his education. In case you don't know in order to have your education handed to you, as you put it, in a military academy you must agree to serve in the armed forces for a period of time, Here is how john McCain got his free ride.
A 1958 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, McCain had a 22-year military career as a pilot and officer in the Navy. Five of those years (1967-73) were spent in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp after he was shot down over Hanoi during the Vietnam War.

As to running out of Allies, I just returned from Europe, I traveled to the UK, Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, Switzerland, and Finland, We stayed in Bed & Breakfasts and with friends, The people in those countries were always supportive and warned us of the problems we were about to find our selves in if we didn't start curbing our immigration policies. Thanks to satellite TV many watch Fox News so they have a different view of the war then what their governments have. They face the troubles brought by a lax immigration policy allowing thousands of immigrants to come into their countries and try to change their cultures not assimilate into their host countries morals, or life style.
RStiefel ,

Obama's grandmother sent him to an expensive private school in Hawaii which gave him his start and didn't he get grants or scholarships? I never had any help and was able put myself through school and to work hard and manage my money to raise 3 boys. I put them through college, have owned 4 homes, and at present 5 cars including a gt40. This kind of management skills should make me qualified to be president? I doubt it.

Have you ever heard of the Philippines, Nigeria, Sudan, Burma, Malaysia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Angola, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Pakistan, Columbia and God only knows what other places our military have been hunting down and either capturing or killing terrorists in.

As for our alias they are slowly coming around like France that just elected a conservative president. All of them have been helping the US and each other in the fight against terror. France, Spain, England, Germany and Italy are having big problems with the Muslims in their countries. Just like we are starting to have when the administrators of some of our PUBLIC schools build baths for washing their feet and have the Muslim students pray in their auditoriums and our Christian and Jewish students are band from doing. :eek:

If we drop our gloves in the middle of the fight we WILL be given a knockout punch. Count on it!!!!

Just my .02,


PS: If Obama IS elected I "HOPE" he will be the best president this country has ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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or down, that knock out punch can be delivered at any time. We can no more rid the world of terrorists than we can bigotry and bias. They have existed for thousands of years.

Yes it could happen, but why not try to stop them every chance we get?????

Have you ever heard of the "Crusades"?

OK, lets bring our troops home and give up on killing as many terrorists as we can and let them grow in numbers and probably get a nuclear bomb inside one of our cities. :eek:

After it explodes and kills millions including your relatives in NEW York you can say it didn't make any difference because I told you that they would do it anyway.

What I can not understand how some people with no knowledge of military tactics can think that if you close your eyes and it will go away. :eek:

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Easy answer, convert to islam

Then we could bring our islamic armies home, stop wasting our money on war, donate all churches and synagogues to islam to convert to islamic temples. Burn the Constitution and convert to sharia law, make our trips to mecca and destroy all monuments in District of Columbia and elsewhere, eliminate Congress and bring in the holy islamic councils, etc.

Keep thinking like you do RS and this is your fate.
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I agree with you completely, but for instance look at Israel and their surrounding killers. They want to wipe Israel from the earth. Israel is still there and the killers in the surrounding countries are there. The world has known about and watched terrorism growing for ages. Yes, we have to do our part, but where does it end? We can't kill them all, so when does it end? Can we continue to spend money we don't have forever? Ask our military to sacrifice their lives until we run out of troops? It has quickly gotten to the point that fewer and fewer people are willing to join the military. The US Army has already stated they don't have near the amount of troops they need and thought they would have. Fewer are joining. Too many innocent people are dying on both sides. Iraq will never be able or capable of protecting themselves without our presence there. Are we willing to tell our armed forces and their families they might have to stay there for the next 25 or more years.


Israel has been changing. The people there are being warn down over the years. They are also worried about what the rest of the world thinks of them (Like LIBERALS in the US do). Screw the rest of the world!!! Protect your people and their way of life. This is the most important thing a President is supposed to do!

Look what happened in their last war with Hamas in Lebanon. Hamas was a rag tag gorilla group with no aircraft and no tanks only some rifles and toy rockets. It wasn't like the 6 Day War was it!!! Israel has almost all of the world against it except the USA to come to its aid. What has the United Nations and the European countries ever done to stop the killing of the Jews? The next time if Iraq drops a nuclear bomb on Israel they will all be either annilated or they will have no choice than to retaliate with Syria, Iran, the Palestinians and maybe other countries with nuclear weapons of their own. I would not be surprised if they have 150 or more of them.

If Israel attacks Iran all the other Arabs all around them will attack back. :eek: And I would support Israel 100%.

As for tactics I do not think that all these "smart" weapons are helping world peace. I believe in the tactics of WW2. Carpet bomb and napalm huge areas of the enemy and their supporters. When we did that to Europe and Japan the survivors that crawled out of the rubble became our alias. When your enemy wants to destroy you they eventually will unless you do it to them first. War is not a game and ever since WW2 the world has treated it like it was a game because they let politics get involved.

Only time will tell, but I think that Iraq will be able to defend themselves. They did it for 8 years against Iran and with our superior military arms in their hands I think they will do just fine.

I guess I'm up to 10 cents now, :D


PS: If we need to fight them for a thousand years lets do it. They haven't stopped trying to take over the world for the last 1,000 years have they? If you don't know your history it will repeat its self and you could possibly lose.
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Maybe we should learn some things from Israel. Always retaliate against the enemy with many times the force and destruction that we have suffered. It sure works for Israel. They CANNOT lose any war or they will cease to exist. They see survival as number one priority for their country and act accordingly. We seem to put national defense and security way down on the list. I put it way ahead of ANWR, salmon runs, abortion, daycare or whatever is being touted as important to voters this Fall.
Contractors are filling in quite well where we lack sufficient military personell. That can be expanded as needed. Each pay increase or added benefit to our military will bump the number of elistments and reenlistments.
Another attack like 9/11 might get our focus back on track. We forget so quickly, sometimes.
I'm still looking for a bomb from the Clintons, Hillary does NOT want him elected this year. She wants to run in 2012.

I have to respecfully disagree on that one. Several reasons

A. The Klintons are no longer the the two whiz kids of the liberal media. That ship sailed when an unknown, no-legislation-w/-his-name-on-it, No policies, (just a good line of gab and hope), dark horse, (no pun intended) came from behind to eclipse the Klintons. The Klintons are washed up, old news now. Billiery/Bill = OUT Barrack/Michelle = IN

B. No one will carry a bomb shell for Klinton now, perhaps Rush, Sean, etc. We listen to them, but not the overall voting pubilc. A bomb shell leak will be largely ignored by mainsteam media (see A. above). Besides that only works once, like when she, through functionary's of hers and Bill, got Kerry to make his military service the centerpiece of his campain. She WANTED G.W. B. re-elected.

C. She could not go against a sitting president of her own party. Political suicide that. She is now tolerated like a old, nice, slightly senile aunt who wears depends (see B. above).

D. She is almost 63 y/o. She knows she is will be to old by 2012. Men get a pass on age, not women. She knew 2008 was her ONE shot @ the prize. This was a long range plan that most likely went back 20 or 25 years.

NY is 90% rural, she is disliked about Westchester Co. NY. It's only the 7 million skeeves in NYC that got her elected. She couldn't give 2 feces about NY, was just a spring board to 2008.

Ronald Reagan...We need him back!
Maybe we should learn some things from Israel. Always retaliate against the enemy with many times the force and destruction that we have suffered. It sure works for Israel. They CANNOT lose any war or they will cease to exist. They see survival as number one priority for their country and act accordingly. We seem to put national defense and security way down on the list. I put it way ahead of ANWR, salmon runs, abortion, daycare or whatever is being touted as important to voters this Fall.
Contractors are filling in quite well where we lack sufficient military personell. That can be expanded as needed. Each pay increase or added benefit to our military will bump the number of elistments and reenlistments.
Another attack like 9/11 might get our focus back on track. We forget so quickly, sometimes.

I couldn't agree with you more. Human beings have "Built in forgetters"! I told my wife not long after 9/11 "I give people 6 months and the patriotism and courtesy that we have seen a rise in since 9/11 will end" she asked why I simply said "Built in forgetters". It'll take the incineration of a major city for the citizens of the U.S. to stand up and scream "enough". I know longer believe our Government can protect us, they have allowed their hands to be tied by activist judges and politicians who care more for how we appear to the world then how well were willing to defend ourselves. I know people who actually believe 9/11 was set up by Israel and the U.S.. Needless to say there from the extreme left, in fact I would go so far as to say these people do not even represent the far left, these guys are from "planet 0". I don't know what its going to take, but I am concerned with the following, If Obama gets elected with a Democratically controlled Congress and Senate for two years what kind of Judges will they appoint. What will leaders like "Flower child Pelosi" or "The war is lost" Reid do to protect us. They make me nervous! I admire their "speak softly" approach, but at the end of their "little stick" is a white flag.
It makes me nervous, too!

What will leaders like "Flower child Pelosi" or "The war is lost" Reid do to protect us. They make me nervous! I admire their "speak softly" approach, but at the end of their "little stick" is a white flag.

I'm with you. These people are so isolated from reality, it makes me nervous too! This whole bizarre scenario reminds me of George Orwell's prophetic novel 'Animal Farm'. The American public is like the old mule who faithfully pulled the cart until the pigs (politicians) secretly sold the mule to the slaughter house.
I couldn't agree with you more. Human beings have "Built in forgetters"! I told my wife not long after 9/11 "I give people 6 months and the patriotism and courtesy that we have seen a rise in since 9/11 will end" she asked why I simply said "Built in forgetters".

Another interpretation is that the world supported the U.S. on 9/11 and our president threw that support away by giving our allies the arrogant NeoCon finger and spinning the intelligence to support a war the NeoCons wanted as a means to military bases in Iraq!
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Another non sequitor

Vinny's "built in forgetters" is a wonderful explanation of human psychology and nature.
Along comes the fact twister to twist this interesting thread to his own by equating the neocons and the invasion of Iraq and the loss of world support with the loss of patriotism and care about the U. S. by our citizens.
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Obama's car Sales

The more I hear from him he just seems to have the personality of a car salesmen (will say anything to make the sale)

Hope there are no car salesmen here:p
There can be other reasons people feel the way they do. Some are sick of trying to change the world to our liking with bombs. What we are doing in Iraq can hardly be called self defense no matter how some try to spin it. Afghanistan "Yes", Iraq "No"!
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Our civilization depends on most anti-islamic actions

Speaking of bombing, I think we western civilized folks have been "bombed" many, many times in the past decades by islamists before we took any actions to DEFEND our civilization from these savages. I am happy some have retired from their guard duty and no longer "defend" the U. S. but offer their warped opinions as hogwaste.
Speaking of bombing, I think we western civilized folks have been "bombed" many, many times in the past decades by islamists before we took any actions to DEFEND our civilization from these savages. I am happy some have retired from their guard duty and no longer "defend" the U. S. but offer their warped opinions as hogwaste.

You just can't be civil can you! :confused:
What have I missed?

I've only been gone 2 weeks, and when I got back, I find this R. Stiefel guy, who has posted, and apparently irritated some of the faithful. What's the deal? Where did he come from? Now he says hs deletes his posts because of the biased moderator. And my friend Mr. D. you ask why we elected GW twice. That's simple, when the choice is the poodle John Kerry. See, I don't believe Swift-boating is a negative term, as I haven't seen eny evidence that there was any untruth in what was alleged. I would vote for GW again if the choice was the same. Well, I'm still glad to be back, and maybe I can figure what it was I missed while I was gone. Thanks, Rusty Carr
Jay............................................... ...............

Remember 1992 through 1994..............the American people couldn't wait to throw most of the scoundrels out in 1994!! Of course the republicans were thrown out in 2006 with the last 2 years being disastrous for the economy and the country. Remember Carter....after 4 years of him and a democratic congress, we saw republican presidents for 12 years....Osama might be a good thing....just kidding!!:eek::eek: