Is He?



Read and ask yourself carefully
C an
O bama
M anage
M y Money
E ffectively?? :D:D Overbore
overbore.......................................... .

If you call managing, taking it............I think that's his plan!!:(:(:(
Indubutably, ;)

Needed a
My Vote

I tell you all what, I would not vote for Mr Obama to head up the dog pound in my town, do what you want. But when it all goes south I'm gona scream the loudest and say I told you so.
I tell you all what, I would not vote for Mr Obama to head up the dog pound in my town, do what you want. But when it all goes south I'm gona scream the loudest and say I told you so.

It's hard for me to compute how so many of you conservatives still claim to have all the answers about who should be president after voting for Bush TWICE? How can you now claim to have good judgement? Please explain! It sure would shake my judgement! :D
It's hard for me to compute how so many of you conservatives still claim to have all the answers about who should be president after voting for Bush TWICE? How can you now claim to have good judgement? Please explain! It sure would shake my judgement! :D

Bush won twice because the other option was voting for the two potted plants the Democratic Party put forth.

It is about priorities, period.
Vote McCain if you are concerned primarily with national security, second amendment, a Supreme Court that doesn't go off to the Left, expanding domestic oil production. reigning in spending on "entitlements".
Vote Obama if you are concerned about abortion on demand, free medical care for everybody, forced conservation and alternative energy at any cost, restricting the economy, income redistribution.

There is no correct or incorrect way to vote, just what is important to you.
Obama may get elcted and will have a Democratic Congress. It will be interesting to see how he is remembered in about 20-30 years.
I'm still looking for a bomb from the Clintons, Hillary does NOT want him elected this year. She wants to run in 2012.

That is what he is going to leave us in our pockets. Donut Tester, you are 100% but dang!!! Phil, I expected you to read the sublimimal vertical message. Overbore

has always been highly problimatical as I get counfused when my kaupphy gettz two low--. :D:D Overbore ps

Intelligently associated wth Hal f-Honkey??- absurdity. :D O
Not too crazy about....

"W", but Al gore or John Kerry ("Mr hero") as an alternative :eek: Regretdully, I seem to be voting for the lesser of two evils today. WHY OH WHY couldn't the Democrats select a REAL candidate ?

It's hard for me to compute how so many of you conservatives still claim to have all the answers about who should be president after voting for Bush TWICE? How can you now claim to have good judgement? Please explain! It sure would shake my judgement! :D
It's hard for me to compute how so many of you conservatives still claim to have all the answers about who should be president after voting for Bush TWICE? How can you now claim to have good judgement? Please explain! It sure would shake my judgement! :D

I think your right! Are republicans not supposed to be conservatives, look at the mess we're in now.
Can anyone prove any of these are not true?

> >
> > This is very interesting and we all need to read it from
> > start to Finish and send it on to anyone who will read it. Maybe this is
> > why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any
> > atrocities. Can a good Muslim be a good American? This question was
> > forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The
> > following is his reply:
> >
> > Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to
> > Allah, The moon God of Arabia .
> >
> > Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is
> > accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)
> >
> > Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the
> > five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.
> >
> & gt; Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to
> > Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.& lt; BR>
> > Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam
> > forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews
> >
> > Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the
> > mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and
> > destruction of America , the great Satan.
> >
> > Domestically - no. . . Because he is instructed to marry
> > four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran
> > 4:34)
> >
> > Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the
> > American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he
> > believes the Bible to be corrupt.
> >
> > Philosophically - no. . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and
> > the Quran do es not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy
> > and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial
> > or autocratic.
> >
> > Spiritually - no. . . Because when we declare 'one
> > nation under God,' the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah
> > is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in
> > The Quran's 99 excellent names.
> >
> > Therefore, after much study and deliberati on....
> >
> > Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in
> > this country. - - - They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and
> > good Americans.
> >
> > Call it what you wish it's still the truth. You had
> > better believe it. The more who understand this, the better it will be
> > for our country and our future. The religious war is bigger than we know
> > or understand. . ...
> >
> > And Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim, wants to be our
> > President? You have GOT to be kidding! Wake up America !
> >
> > Obama even says if he wins the election, he will be
> > sworn in on the Quran---not a Bible!
> >
> > Footnote: He was sworn in on the Quran for his current
> > office and he refuses to pledge allegiance to the United States or put
> > his hand over his heart when the National Anthem is played! The Muslims
> > have said they will destroy us from within. Hello! Having a Muslim
> > president would seem to fit the bill! Will you trust this man with our
> > national secrets?
> >
> >
> >
RS you do not understand logic

literally 10,000 different religions in the world today, each worship the GOD of their choice. That in itself does not make one right and the others wrong. One does NOT have to worship a certain GOD to be an American.
Your statement has nothing to do with GT40's comments. The problem is that the koran does NOT agree with the U. S. Constitution and many of our laws. GT's statements are worthy of your detailed comments, not your non sequitor.

literally 10,000 different religions in the world today, each worship the GOD of their choice. That in itself does not make one right and the others wrong. One does NOT have to worship a certain GOD to be an American.

...but we as voters get to look at a candidate and make a decision based upon their beliefs or lack there of if that is important in our decision for potus.

I wonder why Obama is RUNNING AWAY from his muslim heritage if religion does not matter & REALLY trying to get the point across that he is a Christian??

I don't Trust obama....

Not for this cowboy...

but again, religion, heritage, his form of prayer should not be a factor in our decision about what is best for our country. .

...all huge factors for what I want in my next president. I suspenct that is why he is trying to sweep them under the rug. His past has a history that he does not think will sit well w/ voters so he is trying to change his stripes. I would have more respect for the man if he hadn't. Obviously, he or his advisors are ashamed from where he came from.

Again, I'm not for JM...just very much against obama.

I respect yours too...

your opinion Paul. Myself, I don't care if our next president is from Mars. If he or she can lead our great country back to prosperity and good standing with what used to be our allies, while keeping us safe and serving the country's best interest rather than for political gain, that's the one that gets my vote.

....amigo, but I'm not interested keeping the world happy. I want a president who thinks of the U.S. first and U.N. last. A lot of our 'allies' Just want to hug us so they can stab us in the back. I think obama would pander to our allies wants & needs before our own. Not to mention the gun rights issue which mainly drives my vote.

For me, this election is a no-brainer.
If people want to see the truth they will! If people want to believe prejudicial cr@p they will! That's why the smell of some swiftboater cr@p lingers on and on! Some people need to feed their prejudices rather than deal with the real issues between the candidates. Sad!
Don't know or care...

Why do you think McCain is in Columbia and Mexico this week? .

...typical politics I guess to make sure all our dea agents can keep a job. Don't get me started on the drug war.

You must have become numb to all the left coast gun regs and want the rest of us to have them if you are still supporting ffl, for shame:)

and yet another surprise post from D....

If people want to see the truth they will! If people want to believe prejudicial cr@p they will! That's why the smell of some swiftboater cr@p lingers on and on! Some people need to feed their prejudices rather than deal with the real issues between the candidates. Sad!

...nothing new here, move along.
