IR5050 Sporter class


New member
I was reading the rules for IR5050 Sporter class and it said they are required to have a working safety. Is this rules still vaiid and enforced?

It would seem if everyone is required to keep their bolt out of the rifle until the match director instructs you to insert it (with rifle pointed down range) this precedure alone would be a working safety.
The rules don't say you have to use the safety, only that it be a working safety. Yes, should you show up with a rifle that does not meet the functioning safety requirement for sporter you are likely to have your targets DQ'd, as it should be. Rules are rules. bob
The rules don't say you have to use the safety, only that it be a working safety. Yes, should you show up with a rifle that does not meet the functioning safety requirement for sporter you are likely to have your targets DQ'd, as it should be. Rules are rules. bob

Bob, I most surely will comply with the rule. John
None of us actually feed from the magazine either, but you have to have one.
I thought I heard - - -

someone say that safetys were no longer required. Can we get a clarification please?
someone say that safetys were no longer required. Can we get a clarification please?

According to the current rules.. In IR-50/50. the sporter must have a magazine and a working safety.. In RBA, the sporter does not have to have a magazine or a working safety.. This is straight from the respective website rule books..

Well, some of the new stuff

According to the current rules.. In IR-50/50. the sporter must have a magazine and a working safety.. In RBA, the sporter does not have to have a magazine or a working safety.. This is straight from the respective website rule books..


There have been some changes made since Bill took over that are not recorded, such as the number of competitors required to have a sanctioned match. Perhaps Bill will clarify the Safety issue. I'm pretty sure I heard someone who should know say they were no longer required, which is why I brought it up. It is along the lines of allowing someone to remove their stock to remove the magazine, perhaps and so on - - -
Please lets not get on this merry go around again. The rules in IR50 HAVE NOT CHANGED since those discussions. Until they do we should expect that referees are going to follow the written word. bob

There have been some changes made since Bill took over that are not recorded, such as the number of competitors required to have a sanctioned match. Perhaps Bill will clarify the Safety issue. I'm pretty sure I heard someone who should know say they were no longer required, which is why I brought it up. It is along the lines of allowing someone to remove their stock to remove the magazine, perhaps and so on - - -

The sporter trigger safety rule has not changed, period.
best regards,
Mike Cameron