IR50 10 Shot

FWIW. I took my yards targets and scored them the "new" way.

Results were; 247-14x scores 86-14x, 250-17x scores 90-17x ( I had a 10 on bull 17) and 249-17x scores 90-17x.

My Friday night card was 98-18x and when traditionally scored is 250-18x.

Same target, same technique, same plug, different results. But, actually not different results just different scores.

Theoretically one could score a 250-0x and wind up with a 0-0x the new way. Don Stith and I used to joke about shooting a 250-0x card. That might be harder to do than shooting a 250-25x.

Who will be the first to shoot a 0-0x card but scored 250 the traditional way? That will be precision shooting! Great fun and lots of bragging rights with this new game. bob
One good thing about it,you are not out of the game with a bad bullet. Otherwise it’s the same as all the shooting games:take the dot out and you win. I shot 120 and had one ten. There is nothing complicated about it. Jim
FWIW. I took my yards targets and scored them the "new" way.

Results were; 247-14x scores 86-14x, 250-17x scores 90-17x ( I had a 10 on bull 17) and 249-17x scores 90-17x.

My Friday night card was 98-18x and when traditionally scored is 250-18x.

Same target, same technique, same plug, different results. But, actually not different results just different scores.

Theoretically one could score a 250-0x and wind up with a 0-0x the new way. Don Stith and I used to joke about shooting a 250-0x card. That might be harder to do than shooting a 250-25x.

Who will be the first to shoot a 0-0x card but scored 250 the traditional way? That will be precision shooting! Great fun and lots of bragging rights with this new game. bob

Was it a "scoring nightmare" for you Bob or was it a similar effort to current scoring once you got your head around it?
Bruce: A scoring nightmare? Hardly. To the naked eye the difference between a 6 and a 10 is fairly obvious once you know how to look at them. Dropping a plug in is no harder than any other target being scored. If you can score an IR target you can score an IR target for the new game. For the addition challenged a calculator will be helpful. bob
Theoretically one could score a 250-0x and wind up with a 0-0x the new way. Don Stith and I used to joke about shooting a 250-0x card. That might be harder to do than shooting a 250-25x.

Who will be the first to shoot a 0-0x card but scored 250 the traditional way? That will be precision shooting! Great fun and lots of bragging rights with this new game. bob

I don't want to contribute to derailing this thread, but I just have to comment on what my buddy Bob said.

A couple of times over the years hasn't Wilbur or someone else reported that Wilbur once shot a 250 0X? Maybe Wilbur or you guys can comment if that's indeed true, but if it is, Bob's comment about a 250 0X "maybe being harder" than a 250 25X isn't even close to being accurate.
I doubt if it's possible for me to express how incredibly rare such an event would be, and a 250 25X would be relatively easy compared to it.

For those of you who might be interested, I'll try to explain why it would be a statistical anomaly of the highest magnitude.

One of the universal characteristics of shot distributions is that the density of shots in that distribution will always increase as you approach the mathematical center of the distribution. In many cases you won't see this with small distributions (5 or 10-shot groups), but it's nearly always visible with 25-shot distributions (point data for 25-shot targets), and so obvious with large distributions (100 to 10,000 shots) that you'd have to be blind to not recognize it!

The thought that you could shoot a target (25-shot distribution) and there was an absence of shots toward the center is nearly incomprehensible to me and that's almost what it would take. I've never seen anything close to it, even with the data from nearly 60,000 shots in my tunnel.

As some of you know I pledged $100 to anyone who shot a 250 25X at the IR50 Unlimited Indoor Nationals and I was fairly confident the cash would stay in my pocket because I'm able to predict the probabilities of it happening from the data in my tunnel. That being said, I was really hoping I'd actually lose the cash in an effort to promote IR50 and RF BR in general.

I'm tempted to offer $10,000 for anyone who shoots a 250 0X, but people like Bruce and a few others could reduce the odds by intentionally trying to shoot only 10's and avoid X's for that kind of cash, so I think I'll keep my mouth shut and not risk the amount of beer I could purchase with that sum of money. LOL

I'm sure I don't know if the target was zero or one X. I'm also sure I tossed it in the burn barrel!

You should have framed that target and hung it on your trophy wall, cuz it would've have been one Hell of a conversation starter for years to come! LOL

I shot the match at Piney Hill and there were 3 10s shot out of 950 bulls, I was lucky enough to have one. Thought I had 2 as I had what would seem to have been a 10, right beside the one that scored a ten, to the naked eye they looked identical, plug said different.

Personally, I like the concept. I do however think that it could be simplified some. The elusive "10" is almost not a factor. 3/950 are not good odds. My thoughts would be, make a touch a 8 and a wipeout a 10, this simplifies the scoring, then have a shorter time limit in which to complete the target, like 10-15 minutes. I could see this going along with any UL match. It would be a good use for that X killer ammo, you know the kind that has one or two fliers in the box.:rolleyes:

Along those lines, were any lessons given or recieved to be able to "game" any IR50 targets by shooting easy 10's while avoiding X's ?
Landy - Yes, it would have been a nice conversation starter but my wife doesn't talk much about rimfire shooting. :)Didn't think about it being such an odd target at the time or I woulda kept it! If I remember, and that ain't likely, several of the "tens" were plugged as well. The 250 that was written on the target looked somewhat fake given the placement of the shots. That 250 was worth about 10th place...just above a 249 with a whole bunch of Xs.