IR 50/50 UL Yards Ma. State Championship at Angle Tree 7/5/14


New member
Hope to see all my old friends next Saturday and a few new ones from Maine,
New Hampshire and of course New York and New Jersey. Please give me a head count so I can plan for lunch.
Thanks Ray
Hope to see all my old friends next Saturday and a few new ones from Maine,
New Hampshire and of course New York and New Jersey. Please give me a head count so I can plan for lunch.
Thanks Ray

For the shooters who have never been to Angle Tree Stone we welcome you to come join us to an always tricky range. Here are directions to the club.... From I-95

Take Exit 5 in Massachusetts

Turn LEFT at the end of the ramp

Go to the end of the road (approx. .2 miles) and TURN LEFT on to
Rt. 152 heading NORTH

Go North on Rt. 152 for 1/2 mile, Our club will be on the RIGHT.!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x84a5974996d89ee4?hl=en-US

Hope to see some new faces....Bob
Meters Meters why no Meters?

I will be there Saturday, but why no meters?
And what is for lunch?

Ted Derivan

As always I will help out in anyway, just ask-
I will be there Saturday, but why no meters?
And what is for lunch?

Ted Derivan

As always I will help out in anyway, just ask-

I would like to have meters too Ted, but if we run two relays there wouldn't be
enough hours in the day. We are having a cook out featuring Penny's world famous relish
Thanks Ray
Alright, I will have to just shoot yards. I might just bring my sporter and have some real fun. If you and Bob would like any of the Maine State Crustacean let me know how many and I will bring some down. That should get you warmed up for later this summer.

Ted Derivan
I will be there

I plan to be there Ray. Do you think you will have more than 24 shooters? We run a 6 card match with two relays per and have it done by 4 PM. We'll help you if you need help.

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Bob and Ray,
Hope the Storm goes out to sea and a calm afterwards.
I will be back home for the fourth so will stay for your shoot before heading back up to Maine.
Alas, I must report that I have failed as a parent. In retrospect, I should have made the birds and the bees talk far more onerous, fraught with disease, deformity, despair and a destiny of personal destruction......The Pup it seems would rather go away for the July 4 weekend with a group that no doubt includes a special boy than hang out and shoot with cool kids like US!

I do not accept all the blame however. I specifically relied on guys like you to make up for my inadequacies as a parent and keep her priorities straight!

I will be the only dog in the angle tree match. The pup told me to look on the bright side: "At least your daughter won't beat you this weekend."

Rain rain go away

The rain will clear up early Saturday morning before match time. The field maybe flooded in some of
the low spots so I would recommend you bring you're boots just incase. See ya'll Saturday