IR 50/50, The Primer


Well-known member
IR 50/50, The Primer

IR 50/50 is a rimfire benchrest shooting game unlike any other.

The IR 50/50 name comes from the events being contested at both 50 yards, and 50 meters.

Although not all IR 50/50 events contain both distances.

The Target: IR 50/50 has its own unique target. It is scored best edge, meaning you get the highest score that your bullet touches, the same as PSL.

ARA is scored worst edge, meaning you receive the lowest score of where your bullet touches.

While it is true an IR 50/50 target has a larger 10 ring than some other games, it also has the greatest penalty for missing the 10 ring.

In ARA, or PSL, if a shooter has one shot completely miss the scoring rings but hits inside the scoring zones, that shot would cost the shooter 100 points.

If one shot on an IR50/50 targets misses all the scoring rings the shooter loses 10 points.

The ARA and PSL shooter could still shoot a 2400 on that target, which will normally win at any level of competition.

But an IR 50/50 shooter could only score 240 which will not even place.

Normally, to win any large IR 50/50 match you must shoot a 250 with a very high X count. But shooting the 250, must be your first priority.

This presents the shooter with a problem, and each shooter has to work it out for him/herself.

Shooting an IR 50/50 target, or an ARA target can be similar, in that you may compromise your hold off to try to keep the bullet inside the circle,

or hitting the 10 ring, rather than trying to hit the exact center of the target.

In the heat of competition, in conditions, it leads shooters to making compromises on their hold offs. Some work, some don’t, but it is all part of the game.

The PSL target on the other hand is straight forward, hit the dot or die.

If what I just said is confusing, just ignore it, and keep on shooting at the center. It will all work out in the end.

The rifles: IR 50/50 has three parts, the three gun events, the unlimited events, and the sporter events.

The three gun event is the heart and soul of IR 50/50. The three gun event is one target shot with the sporter, one target shot with the 10.5lb.,

and one target shot with the 13.5lb rifle. The six gun is the three targets shot at yards, and the three targets shot at meters.

The sporter rifle is the absolute most important. It is a fact, you can’t win the three gun/six gun, without a killer sporter.

You can’t make up sporter misses with the heavier guns. Many of the heavier guns will shoot 250s, leaving no make-up possible.

If you decide to shoot three gun events the best thing you can do is build, or buy, a killer sporter, and learn to shoot it.

If you can shoot the sporter, you can certainly shoot the heavier guns.
Although it is called the three gun event, most shooters shoot it with just the sporter, and a 10.5 lb. rifle.

The sporter cannot weigh more than 7.5 lbs., the scope must not be more than 6.5 power, and the stock cannot have a flat forearm, nor be more than 2.25 inches wide.

The 10.5 lb. rifle can have a three inch wide forearm, and any power scope.

The 13.5 lb. rifle can also have a three inch wide forearm, and any power scope.

Is it a disadvantage to shoot a 10.5 lb. rifle in the 13.5 lb. class? A case can be made, that it is.

A heavier rifle may, or may not, shoot any better than a lighter rifle, but it is certainly easier to handle a heavier rifle.

The weight makes the rifle more forgiving of minor handling mistakes. For these reasons the IR 50/50 shooter is forced to develop good rifle handling techniques.

Rests: IR 50/50 requires two piece rests, with sand bags. One piece, hard mounted, rests are not allowed except in the unlimited class.

The unlimited class was added to IR 50/50 to allow shooters that do not wish to shoot a sporter the chance to compete in IR 50/50.

It has also been instrumental in drawing in ARA and PSL shooters to IR 50/50 ranges. It has become as popular as the three gun events.

The sporter class, by itself is not often shot at local clubs, however it has become a three target, 50 yard State, and National (indoor and outdoor) event.

Some may say the sporter matches are the purest IR 50/50 events because they are the most restrictive rifles, shot under the most restrictive conditions,

and are undoubtedly the toughest rimfire benchrest matches.

I have never understood why the sporter State, and National matches only shoot three targets at yards, and do not include the meters targets as other matches do,

but it has been that way for years now.

Rewards and honors one can receive shooting IR 50/50.

There are many, many, local gun clubs, all across the country, that shoots rimfire benchrest matches.

What sets organizations such as IR 50/50, ARA, and PSL apart is their ability to provide national level recognition to their shooters.

Most of this recognition is provided through the organizations website. Updating match results, and awarding points earned, in a timely manner is critical to their success.

SOTY Matches: Each club shoots a season of Shooter of the year matches (SOTY).

The shooter with the best overall aggs. in each weight class wins Hall of Fame (Hof) points.

The shooter with the highest overall agg. Is declared Shooter of the Year for the Club.

There are also state and regional matches that offer Hof points. Then National events. Three gun outdoor and indoor,

unlimited outdoor and indoor, and Sporter indoor and outdoor.

In addition, you have the 3 gun list, unlimited list, sporter score line, 10.5 lb. score line and 13.5 lb. score line.

New for 2015 we have the Sporter Super X man, and the unlimited Super X man. These are cash awards.

Complete information can be found on the IR 50/50 website:

What do I want the reader to take away from this primer?

I want the reader to know IR 50/50 holds a unique place in Rimfire Benchrest shooting organizations.

I have pointed out that IR 50/50 focuses on shooter skills, and equipment, rather than allowing the human element to be nearly eliminated,

and making equipment the center focus.

It is my hope that if we make changes to IR 50/50, in an attempt to add more shooters to our ranks, we can do it without losing the unique challenge of IR 50/50 three gun event.

I, for one, really enjoy the challenges of IR 50/50 three gun. I do understand the quest for absolute accuracy but,

I still enjoy being an active part of the shooting process.

There is room for both, and it should be our objective to ensure we keep both.

Everything expressed here is my opinion only. Please feel free to add to the discussion.

Great job Tony! Clearly explained for any beginners to rimfire benchrest in general or to IR50/50 specifically.
Great write up Tony
The one thing I think IR50 needs is promotion to generate interest. Your post is a good start on that.
I would like to see Mr Wills put in an appearance at next months indoor national. He could visit with the shooters and share his ideas on promoting and thereby growing the sport.
Thanks for doing this.
I plan on being at the Indoor Nats on either Friday or Sunday. I plan on adjusting my schedule next year so that I can be at more matches, but this year with the Triple Crown and my obligations at Kettlefoot I just don't have many days free. If anyone needs targets or pins let me know and they can save shipping. I will also have the hats for the 2013 winners with me. I hope to see everyone there.
IR 50/50, The Primer

IR 50/50 is a rimfire benchrest shooting game unlike any other.

The IR 50/50 name comes from the events being contested at both 50 yards, and 50 meters.

Although not all IR 50/50 events contain both distances.

The Target: IR 50/50 has its own unique target. It is scored best edge, meaning you get the highest score that your bullet touches, the same as PSL.

ARA is scored worst edge, meaning you receive the lowest score of where your bullet touches.

While it is true an IR 50/50 target has a larger 10 ring than some other games, it also has the greatest penalty for missing the 10 ring.

In ARA, or PSL, if a shooter has one shot completely miss the scoring rings but hits inside the scoring zones, that shot would cost the shooter 100 points.

If one shot on an IR50/50 targets misses all the scoring rings the shooter loses 10 points.

The ARA and PSL shooter could still shoot a 2400 on that target, which will normally win at any level of competition.

But an IR 50/50 shooter could only score 240 which will not even place.

Normally, to win any large IR 50/50 match you must shoot a 250 with a very high X count. But shooting the 250, must be your first priority.

This presents the shooter with a problem, and each shooter has to work it out for him/herself.

Shooting an IR 50/50 target, or an ARA target can be similar, in that you may compromise your hold off to try to keep the bullet inside the circle,

or hitting the 10 ring, rather than trying to hit the exact center of the target.

In the heat of competition, in conditions, it leads shooters to making compromises on their hold offs. Some work, some don’t, but it is all part of the game.

The PSL target on the other hand is straight forward, hit the dot or die.

If what I just said is confusing, just ignore it, and keep on shooting at the center. It will all work out in the end.

The rifles: IR 50/50 has three parts, the three gun events, the unlimited events, and the sporter events.

The three gun event is the heart and soul of IR 50/50. The three gun event is one target shot with the sporter, one target shot with the 10.5lb.,

and one target shot with the 13.5lb rifle. The six gun is the three targets shot at yards, and the three targets shot at meters.

The sporter rifle is the absolute most important. It is a fact, you can’t win the three gun/six gun, without a killer sporter.

You can’t make up sporter misses with the heavier guns. Many of the heavier guns will shoot 250s, leaving no make-up possible.

If you decide to shoot three gun events the best thing you can do is build, or buy, a killer sporter, and learn to shoot it.

If you can shoot the sporter, you can certainly shoot the heavier guns.
Although it is called the three gun event, most shooters shoot it with just the sporter, and a 10.5 lb. rifle.

The sporter cannot weigh more than 7.5 lbs., the scope must not be more than 6.5 power, and the stock cannot have a flat forearm, nor be more than 2.25 inches wide.

The 10.5 lb. rifle can have a three inch wide forearm, and any power scope.

The 13.5 lb. rifle can also have a three inch wide forearm, and any power scope.

Is it a disadvantage to shoot a 10.5 lb. rifle in the 13.5 lb. class? A case can be made, that it is.

A heavier rifle may, or may not, shoot any better than a lighter rifle, but it is certainly easier to handle a heavier rifle.

The weight makes the rifle more forgiving of minor handling mistakes. For these reasons the IR 50/50 shooter is forced to develop good rifle handling techniques.

Rests: IR 50/50 requires two piece rests, with sand bags. One piece, hard mounted, rests are not allowed except in the unlimited class.

The unlimited class was added to IR 50/50 to allow shooters that do not wish to shoot a sporter the chance to compete in IR 50/50.

It has also been instrumental in drawing in ARA and PSL shooters to IR 50/50 ranges. It has become as popular as the three gun events.

The sporter class, by itself is not often shot at local clubs, however it has become a three target, 50 yard State, and National (indoor and outdoor) event.

Some may say the sporter matches are the purest IR 50/50 events because they are the most restrictive rifles, shot under the most restrictive conditions,

and are undoubtedly the toughest rimfire benchrest matches.

I have never understood why the sporter State, and National matches only shoot three targets at yards, and do not include the meters targets as other matches do,

but it has been that way for years now.

Rewards and honors one can receive shooting IR 50/50.

There are many, many, local gun clubs, all across the country, that shoots rimfire benchrest matches.

What sets organizations such as IR 50/50, ARA, and PSL apart is their ability to provide national level recognition to their shooters.

Most of this recognition is provided through the organizations website. Updating match results, and awarding points earned, in a timely manner is critical to their success.

SOTY Matches: Each club shoots a season of Shooter of the year matches (SOTY).

The shooter with the best overall aggs. in each weight class wins Hall of Fame (Hof) points.

The shooter with the highest overall agg. Is declared Shooter of the Year for the Club.

There are also state and regional matches that offer Hof points. Then National events. Three gun outdoor and indoor,

unlimited outdoor and indoor, and Sporter indoor and outdoor.

In addition, you have the 3 gun list, unlimited list, sporter score line, 10.5 lb. score line and 13.5 lb. score line.

New for 2015 we have the Sporter Super X man, and the unlimited Super X man. These are cash awards.

Complete information can be found on the IR 50/50 website:

What do I want the reader to take away from this primer?

I want the reader to know IR 50/50 holds a unique place in Rimfire Benchrest shooting organizations.

I have pointed out that IR 50/50 focuses on shooter skills, and equipment, rather than allowing the human element to be nearly eliminated,

and making equipment the center focus.

It is my hope that if we make changes to IR 50/50, in an attempt to add more shooters to our ranks, we can do it without losing the unique challenge of IR 50/50 three gun event.

I, for one, really enjoy the challenges of IR 50/50 three gun. I do understand the quest for absolute accuracy but,

I still enjoy being an active part of the shooting process.

There is room for both, and it should be our objective to ensure we keep both.

Everything expressed here is my opinion only. Please feel free to add to the discussion.


I thought with the Nationals coming up it may be a good time to bring this back up.

There have been some changes to IR 50/50 since this was written so if you spot them please let everyone know.

A few changes since 2015


Great idea to bring this back. There are a few things I saw that need updating after a quick read.

Sporter- the stock cannot have a forearm that has a flat bottom or sides.

Sporter Matches- Some State and Regional Sporter Matches now include Meters and the Nationals certainly do.

10 SHOT- 10 SHOT didn't exist in 2015. It was added this year and it can be argued it is the most challenging and most fun match to come along in a while. Shot in both Sporter and Unlimited formats.

Again, thanks for re-posting this.

Bruce Hornstein

Great idea to bring this back. There are a few things I saw that need updating after a quick read.

Sporter- the stock cannot have a forearm that has a flat bottom or sides.

Sporter Matches- Some State and Regional Sporter Matches now include Meters and the Nationals certainly do.

10 SHOT- 10 SHOT didn't exist in 2015. It was added this year and it can be argued it is the most challenging and most fun match to come along in a while. Shot in both Sporter and Unlimited formats.

Again, thanks for re-posting this.

Bruce Hornstein


Are the cash awards for Sporter Super X man, and the unlimited Super X man still being offered for 2018?

Buck Creek Range, Somerset Ky

At Buck Creek this year we are going to be shooting IR 50-50 on the same day as our ARA Matches. WE would be thrilled if any of you folks could come out and shoot with us. We have a new match director who is a very straight up guy, as Im sure a few of you know Jackie.
At Buck Creek this year we are going to be shooting IR 50-50 on the same day as our ARA Matches. WE would be thrilled if any of you folks could come out and shoot with us. We have a new match director who is a very straight up guy, as Im sure a few of you know Jackie.
Three gun or unlimited .
DENNY the " BRNOMAN " has passed..... BRNO

Im new to the forum thing so please be gentle... Denny the BRNOMAN
has passed. Ive been charged with securing and liquidating the BRNO and CZ parts and pieces. There is an unbelievable amount of complete items as well. Stetchers, Triathelons, Mod 1, Mod2, Mod 3, Mod4 ,611s ZKMs....the list goes on.
Im only wishing to inform the community of Dennys passing and were trying to get these things into the hands of the right folks before they all end up in a never seen again place..... I may be contacted 928 710 7353.
or Thank you and once again. Im sorry if Ive broken any forum rules......cheers!!!
ARA is scored worst edge, meaning you receive the lowest score of where your bullet touches.

I'm new to the forum thing so please be gentle... Denny the BRNOMAN
has passed. I've been charged with securing and liquidating the BRNO and CZ parts and pieces. There is an unbelievable amount of complete items as well. Stretchers, Triathlons, Mod 1, Mod2, Mod 3, Mod4,611s ZKMs....the list goes on.
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Baenly, you're not even a SMART scammer! Using the exact same post from four and a half months ago to place your links in? Wow!

Don't click on the links in the above post y'all!
Baenly, you're not even a SMART scammer! Using the exact same post from four and a half months ago to place your links in? Wow!

Don't click on the links in the above post y'all!

The purpose of this thread was to provide information about a sport many of us love.

Isn't it a sorry day when we have people with nothing better to do than screw with the unsuspecting. My bet is this individual has never tried to excel at anything in their sorry life.

IR50/50 sounds fun. I notice the schedule only shows matches in VA and WV. Are there any in Ohio?

I’m not sure if there will be matches in Ohio this year. The complete schedule will be up shortly so keep looking.
I know there will be matches in Pa and WV. Both three gun and unlimited matches.

Stay tuned.

IR50/50 sounds fun. I notice the schedule only shows matches in VA and WV. Are there any in Ohio?

I think there is an Ohio venue, Most schedules are being finalized and gradually posted up on the site over coming weeks.
I have a question regarding the order that the different rifles and distances are shot at an IR 50/50 event. The reason I am asking is that at 76 years of age, my eyes go wonky and my body starts to rebel after a couple of hours or so at the range. My point is while I am unlikely to be able to shoot an entire IR 50/50 match, I would like to at least shoot Sporter at both distances and possibly 10.5.

So, do you shoot Sporter at both 50 yards and 50M, followed by 10.5 at 50Y and 50 M, followed by Heavy gun at both distances or do you shoot all three rifles at 50 Y before moving on to all three at Meters?