I'm hearing rumors that the IR 50/50 pins will now cost $1:00 each.As a match director at Alleghany I have not received any notification.
Any body know the answer?
Any body know the answer?
It's somewhat staggering for the good ones. You gotta swallow real hard to buy them and that's just part of the cost. Then, if you begin to think you're done, you have to figure out who needs pins and send them out. Helen had the better idea if you remember what that was. I don't remember clearly but it turned out better than what I came up with. I suppose pins were a bit cheaper then than they are now as well.
I do believe the 250 pin has served its course and needs to end. There's just too many 250s shot for a pin to be anything good. Maybe a pin for several 250's....or something like that. Yeah, I know there are folks that actually deserve a 250 pin when they finally hit all them little buggers....but not that many.
Call Bill and give him your thoughts.