IR 50/50 Pin Cost



I'm hearing rumors that the IR 50/50 pins will now cost $1:00 each.As a match director at Alleghany I have not received any notification.
Any body know the answer?
Pin Cost

Ernie, the last I heard from the "horses mouth" was that the cost of the pin to IR 50/50 went up and the cost was passed on to us as an increase in cost per match (or target) shot.. I'd pay extra to just get results in a timely and accurate action and furgetabout the pins.
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I have emailed Bill and Rachel about pins last week and not heard anything. I did tell them that I would buy pins if needed. This sport costs so much that I really believe that you should get something for winning a class or whatever. I also firmly believe that if you shoot in a state or regional championship and pay 100.00+ in entry fees you should get something more than a printed piece of paper and a Dollar store frame. I however seem to be in the minority on this. Bill really needs to do some updating on the websight or whatever... as near as I can tell we are still shooting under the rules put forth in 2008. If your own websight does not list it it can not be a real rule. So, I would just demand the pins for free and not send in more than the 1.00 per target the rules ask for.
I think the pins are important

and there are a couple of situations regarding other awards. Personally, I would rather have a cirtificate to place in a binder than plaques or standing trophies. I say this because I have a lot of plaques I have acquired over the years and of the few hundred I have, only about 6 are hung, which are about to be retired when I re-decorate.

I know awards are important to newer shooters and that should not be discounted. I wanted em as well, in the earlier years. I like the idea of pins that denote multiple achievements, the 2500 pins being an example. I would rather wear one of them than 10 singles. I think the same should be done for Match pins, say 25 to 1 or something like that, lets say 25, 50 and 100. Having them would free up a lot of match pins folks have saved up. At a buck each, it makes sense to have an alternative, to me. Perhaps the same could be done for SOY pins as well. Some folks must have a ton of them .

Most of the shooters who attend the matches I run like ribbons; the red, white and blue ones. The club has a history of awarding them and I am going back to that practice this year. I will continue to print some cirtificates, for those who prefer them. I will award plaques @ the Championship Events this year for those who want them, certs for those who don't.
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I like the pins but I don't need a drawer full of them. I'm going to recycle most of my pins. After you get one of each, other than maybe National wins (that never gets old) how many do we really want/need hanging around? For a regular SOTY match, all I want is a hand shake, a "congrats" and a prompt posting of the results on the web sites.
I think that the pins and the wood are important; especially to the up-and-coming shooters. Winning that first match, 250, SOTY, State, Regional, National is real important for a shooter's growth. Sure it's an ego thing ... but that's what personal growth is all about.

I agree with Steve that there needs to be better communication from Bill and Rachel to the match directors. Rachel told me that the fee per target to IR 50/50 was $1.50 this year. I haven't seen anything official about pins, nor did I receive any pins for this year's matches when I registered my club's schedule.
I think I have enough to get me through the first couple of matches.

There also have been comments on this board about changes to the Sporter class requirements; and other match rule changes, but I've seen nothing official. I will follow the 2008 rule book until the new one comes out.

You're right Michael, unless it's in a printed rule book or available on-line, as match directors we can't settle any dispute by saying "Ya, I think I remember something about a rule change that says - - - - -". We need to be able to point to an official rule and say "Well, it says right here in the rule book that - - - " If printing costs are problem for issuing a new rule book, they can just put it on on-line in a printable format and we can print it out ourselves.

I understand that pins are important for beginners, and I loved getting them when I first started winning, but after awhile they just fill up a jar somewhere. All of us old veterans will just have to do our part in keeping costs down by not letting these pin-hungry upstarts win. :eek: :D

ps Michael, your new sporter sure is a beauty. Some great looking wood on that sucker!
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Pins and costs

I also believe that pins and plaques are important for all the reasons mentioned above and also for the fact that it is kinda a payback for the competitors who had to travel to the big State, Regional, and National Championship matches. The Plaques for the Crawfish shoot were in excess of $400, however it was worth it since we gave out a total of 33 awards and it was the first State Match of the Season, therefore setting in motion what was to come for the rest of the season. For those who won a plaque, it gave them a good start for list points, X-man, and HOF points, for those who did not get a plaque, it served as an incentive to do better at the next match. At these matches there is also a great exchange of knowledge ranging from equipment set-up to wind flag reading, time management, ammo testing, tuning set-up and finally technique development for consistency. While this may still be a hobby of sorts, we all want to excel at this sport and bragging rights do come into play, and recognition for our accomplishments is important. Thumper
Hi All,

I have to hand it to the Match Directors that have to deal with the slow communication, or lack of communication, between them and management. I am sure it is frustrating to say the least.

I don't think Milt and Helen Cook would be to happy with the way their game has gone. When they owned IR 50/50 communication was great. You asked a question and you got an answer PDQ. You may not have liked the answer, but you got an answer.

As to the rules, I agree, we should follow the last published rules.

As to pins, I think they are, and should be, important to newer shooters. Less important to us ol' timers. Penny and I will be taking a pass on pins from here on out.

It's a testament to the strength of the original game that it has continued on for so long, all things considered.

I hope you all have a great season with high X counts!

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I know the approximate cost of the pins

It's somewhat staggering for the good ones. You gotta swallow real hard to buy them and that's just part of the cost. Then, if you begin to think you're done, you have to figure out who needs pins and send them out. Helen had the better idea if you remember what that was. I don't remember clearly but it turned out better than what I came up with. I suppose pins were a bit cheaper then than they are now as well.

I do believe the 250 pin has served its course and needs to end. There's just too many 250s shot for a pin to be anything good. Maybe a pin for several 250's....or something like that. Yeah, I know there are folks that actually deserve a 250 pin when they finally hit all them little buggers....but not that many.

Call Bill and give him your thoughts.
It's somewhat staggering for the good ones. You gotta swallow real hard to buy them and that's just part of the cost. Then, if you begin to think you're done, you have to figure out who needs pins and send them out. Helen had the better idea if you remember what that was. I don't remember clearly but it turned out better than what I came up with. I suppose pins were a bit cheaper then than they are now as well.

I do believe the 250 pin has served its course and needs to end. There's just too many 250s shot for a pin to be anything good. Maybe a pin for several 250's....or something like that. Yeah, I know there are folks that actually deserve a 250 pin when they finally hit all them little buggers....but not that many.

Call Bill and give him your thoughts.

I say get rid of the 250 pins and replace them with 750 pins ! I wish the list was updated also .
I can see keeping the 250 pin but just give it out for the first 250 a person shoots in each class (sporter, 10.5, 13.5 and UL) after that no (shooter honor system). Same for the target win pins, just give them out for a shooter's first win. A 750 pin is a good idea. All I think we really need is one pin of each type to reward an accomplishment. This would cut back substantially on the cost of pins. I prefer to keep the cost of my matches down as much as possible. Already, a lot of my veteran shooters turn down the pins when offered at a regular SOTY match.
Well that explains things, I have often wondered why some shooters turn down taking the pins. I shot my first sanctioned IR50/50 matches this winter. I have been fortunate enough to receive 5 of the 250 pins, very proud of each of them. 250's don't come easy when your shooting a worn out 52D Winchester, off a set of bipods, but its a lot of fun trying and you never know, it may be the last one. I say raise the entry fee and keep the pins. But seriously, the 750's should be the ones getting the pins. I think the rest just need a honorable mention. That would work for me, but I am not giving mine back :p LOL.
For someone like me who only gets the chance to collect a pin every now and then, I think the pins should be offered for 250's and card winners as they have been. If the winner opts to not take it, that should be their decision. A pin for a 750 would be a nice incentive though. Not that I don't strive for that, but I just haven't snagged it yet.
The first few whoopie pins are always valuable. Those of us who have coffee cups full of them could consider turning them back in as gesture of good will. I've done that with mine......but I'm not a big fan of pins to begin with. $$$ talks, and it does not get stored in coffee cups for years. bob
2500 pin

For those "hot shots" who are capable of shooting a bunch of 250's, there is now a 2500 pin available. Turn-in 10 of your 250's to your match director and he/she will hand you a nice spiffy 2500!!

Bill and Rachel - any news of the revised and updated IR 50/50 rules?
