IR-50/50 Nationals @ Kettlefoot, Sept. 26, 27 and 28

Wallace Putnam and score posting

Hi Wallace, I looked at the results and there is one major clerical error. Bill Smith from Florida is listed as William Smith. I've have registered with the name of Robert Pekaar and took a third in the sporter nationals. The points went to him when I'm actually officially registered as Bob Pekaar. When Cliff had it changed I went from 33 to 19 on the list. Bill needs to have his registration changed from William Smith to Bill Smith to get points for his attendance at the Nationals. I hope it's not to late. Thanks for your efforts. Couldn't make it this year because of a retinal tear causing loss of vision and a flareup of arthritis. Hope to make it next year if my nurse lets me (just kidding).
Bob Pekaar
Thanks Doc, but check LIST for Bill Smith 20th and it includes a score from Kettlefoot early this year. Scoring program has him listed as choice as William and an ID number but not as Bill or Thumper. Thanks for looking out for Thumper, hopefully he will get his points but I will recheck when results are posted to the web.

Sometimes Thumper needs looking after.;)

Ken Henderson