IR 50/50 - Massachusetts 3-Gun State Championship - 8/25 Easthampton Fish & Game



The Second “Great Relish” Shootout

Gates will be open at 8:00, and signup begins at 9:00 a.m.
3-Gun starts at 10:00 a.m.
Lunch provided.

I decided to start a little later than our SOTY matches to give us more time for set-up; and to give those travelling from out of state an easier ride.

We will be shooting two relays.
If you've never shot at Easthampton and need directions, please email me and I'll get them out to you.

We will draw names for Penny Hadfield's famous "Great Relish Shootout Relish" ... There will possibly be other drawing prizes.

Maryellen promises brownies and something special to compliment the usual lunch menu.

If possible, please let me know if you are coming, through a post here, email, or phone call so I can get a head-count for lunch.


Count me in. The weather is looking to be fantastic if it holds through the week, but we all know how that can go.

WIsh I was coming BUT

I promised my long time Centerfire Shooting Traveling Companion we would go to Thurmont, Md and shoot in the Long Distance Nationals this weekend. Next year will be a different story :).
Was hoping to make it.
Will have a house full at the camp along with two of the four grandkids so won't be able to make it.

Paul and Pete -- you'll be missed.
Al and Penny -- you've got to come, you're bringing the relish!!!!

Breaking news!

The winner of the drawing will have a choice of Penny's famous relish or a jar of her home made pickle chunks!

Maybe with all the great treats Maryellen makes for us as well as Penny's stuff perhaps we should call the match The Great Eat-off?

Al ;-)
Even though I have never tasted Penny's pickle chunks, and have not doubt they are fantastic, I have had her relish and that's where my choice will fall if lucky enough to be drawn. Simply outstanding!

See you guys on Saturday,
